Cognitivewonders Toys Website

This README file provides an overview and instructions for the cognitivewonders website. The website allows users to create, add, update, and delete toys, as well as view toys added by others. It incorporates a user login and registration system and utilizes React for the client-side, MongoDB as the database, and Express for the backend.


  • User Registration: Users can create an account on the website by providing necessary details.
  • User Login: Registered users can log in to their accounts using their credentials.
  • Toy Management:
    • Create Toy: Users can create and add new educational and learning toys to the website.
    • Update Toy: Users can update the details of existing toys.
    • Delete Toy: Users can delete toys from the website.
    • View Toys: Users can browse and view toys added by themselves and other users.
  • Secure Authentication: User passwords are securely hashed and stored in the database.
  • Database Storage: All toy data is stored in a MongoDB database.
  • Responsive Design: The website is designed to be responsive and compatible with different screen sizes.

Live Link

You can view live site from: