STM32F413ZH Nucleo based 8 channel WS2812 driver

Hardware setup

  • STM32F413ZH Nucleo board
  • strings of WS2812 led strips are directly connected to PD0-PD7 pin
  • each string can contain upto around 900 leds (it is recommended to equally divide leds between outputs for best performance)

Basics of WS2812 led chip driving

WS2812 uses single wire pulse width modulated data stream where each bit is represented by either long or short pulse:

  • 1 encoded as 0.8us high followed by 0.4us low
  • 0 encoded as 0.4us high followed by 0.8us low

When receiving the data each ws2812 will grab 24 (3x8) bits to use as RGB values and pass rest forward.

A pause in the stream will latch the data into the chips and allow new frame to be started. This pause is typically expected to be around 10us however some devices require more.

Driving large number of WS2812 chips

Many library implementation utilize SPI hardware to generate this stream however that is limited to either 1 or 2 signals per MCU, this signal can be multiplexed by external circuit but it will make updates slower.

Somewhat novel approach is taken here by sending multiple datastreams parallel by outputting the signal on GPIO pins using timer based DMA transfer from STM32 CPU. In this implementation 8 bit words are used to drive 8 parallel streams, however it could easily be extended to 16.

The downside of the GPIO approach is that it needs quite large buffer for the output data, when driving single output using this method the amount of buffer space is 24x the original how ever this is reduced to much more tolerable 3x when driving output with all 8 bits.

Basic structure

For sending out data a hardware timer is setup to run with period of about 0.4us, this is then used to trigger DMA to transfer a single byte (or word) from a memory buffer to a GPIO output register.

In this implementation GPIO pins D0 to D7 are being used.

For the encoding described above 3 bytes are needed per bit to create the output waveform. Also due to encoding we only need to change the 'middle' byte to alter the value since first and last bytes remain same (0xff,-,0x00).

DMA buffer:

  #define LEDSPERLINE 300
  #define DMAHEAD 4
  #define DMATRAIL 140
  struct {
    unsigned char header[DMAHEAD];
    unsigned char data[LEDSPERLINE * 3 * 24];
    unsigned char trailer[DMATRAIL];
  } dmabuffer[2];
  • the buffer is setup with a short prefix set to zero to ensure smooth startup
  • a trailer is added to ensure that a sufficient 'reset' sequence is always present at the end of the frame
  • the data part contains the actual payload containing the encoded bytes
  • for above code we have set up to 300 * 8 = 2400 leds
  • for each LED we are sending 24 bit each with 3 bytes making the actual buffer 21600 bytes
  • as for reference the source data is 38300 = 7200 bytes so when driving with all 8 lines we only get 'optimal' 3x expansion of data
  • There is two buffers for double buffering the output so we can work on new data while HW is sending the other one out

DMA buffer initialization

For initialization we first set the whole buffer to zero and then add the static 'ones' for each bit.

  bzero(&dmabuffer, sizeof(dmabuffer));
  for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++)
    for (int i = 0; i < LEDSPERLINE; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < 24; j++)
        dmabuffer[b].data[(i * 24 + j) * 3 + 0]=0xff;

Updating of the actual RGB values

To update the RGB values we need to do a transform to set the correct bits this is achieved by a following piece of code converting from simple linear array of pixels (r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,r3....,r2400,g2400,b2400) directly to the DMA output buffer

  for (int i=0; i<LEDSPERLINE; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<3; j++) // RGB
      for (int k=0; k < 8; k++) {
        unsigned char bit = 128>>k;
        int offset = i * 3 +j;
        dmabuffer[active_buffer].data[(i*24 + j * 8 + k) * 3 +1] =
            ((leds[LEDSPERLINE*0*3 + offset] & bit) ? 1 : 0 )+
            ((leds[LEDSPERLINE*1*3 + offset] & bit) ? 2 : 0 )+
            ((leds[LEDSPERLINE*2*3 + offset] & bit) ? 4 : 0 )+
            ((leds[LEDSPERLINE*3*3 + offset] & bit) ? 8 : 0 )+
            ((leds[LEDSPERLINE*4*3 + offset] & bit) ? 16 : 0 )+
            ((leds[LEDSPERLINE*5*3 + offset] & bit) ? 32 : 0 )+
            ((leds[LEDSPERLINE*6*3 + offset] & bit) ? 64 : 0 )+
            ((leds[LEDSPERLINE*7*3 + offset] & bit) ? 128 : 0);

Notably this will only touch the middle byte on each 3 byte sequence, also all 8 'channels' are processed parallel.

After the buffer content is updated a DMA transfer is triggered to send out the whole dmabuffer (including the header and trailer) by hardware.

Notably the 'active' buffer written to is immediately swapped and updating can start immediately while transfer is in progress.

  while (1) {
    HAL_DMA_Start(&hdma_tim1_up, (uint32_t)&dmabuffer, (uint32_t)&GPIOD->ODR, DMALEN);
    // work on new data inte leds[]
    // ensure previous transfer is completed
    HAL_DMA_PollForTransfer(&hdma_tim1_up, HAL_DMA_FULL_TRANSFER, 50000);

The transfer for 300 led strings takes a bit under 9ms (300243*0.4us).

Updating leds over USB CDC interface

Led colors can be updated via USB CDC interface by sending data in following format

  • 0xff 0xff two byte header to sync up
  • N * PIXH PIXL where PIXH<0x80 and PIXH = (pixval >> 8) and PIXL (pixval & x0ff)
  • if PIXH value above is >= 0x80 this is considered EOF

pixval is 15bit color for a pixel (5 bits per component) in form of

pixval = (r<<10)|(g<<5)|(b) 

Performance considerations (and maximum update rate)

Below we are considering the default setup of 8*300 leds, having more or less will adjust in linear fashion.

To update all the leds 2*2400+3 bytes of data needs to be transferred over the CDC interface, upon testing this seems to takes arong 16ms.

After transferring the data update_leds() is run, which takes somewhere around 10ms.

As the data is transferred to the leds using DMA and will happen in background it can execute fully parallel to the above, update of the 300 leds strings will take about 10ms so this clearly is not the limiting factor. (As a sidenote updating 2400 leds on a single string would need almost 80ms to complete).

Overall the performance is limited by the STM32 CPU performing the USB transfer (interrupts) and data_conversion (main loop). In practice best performance is achieved by sending a full update over USB and then waiting enough (10ms) to allow the data conversion to execute freely. With this we can achive update rate of around 25ms or 40Hz.

If data is continously sent over USB the actual frame rate to the leds drops to about half (and every other frame is dropped).

Some optimization may be possible to both USB receive and update_leds code, however the performace is more than sufficient for currently planned use cases.

Limits of implementation

The system can in this form drive up to around 900 leds per output (total 7200). This limit isdue to DMA transfer count being limited to 16 bit value.

It is possible to extend to 14400 by using 16 outputs instead of 8, at this point the amount of RAM (320kB) on the CPU will also start to be an issue as with double buffering almost everything is used up by the two buffers. (2 * 2 * 900 * 24 * 3 = 259kB dma buffers + 43kB framebuffer)