
The idea of this repository is to demonstrate my approach in implementing DDD for Order Transaction service in Golang as well as structuring code, logging, instrumenting, unit testing, etc.

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Order Transaction in DDD (Domain-Driven Design)

The idea of this repository is to demonstrate my approach to implement DDD for Order Transaction service in Golang as well as structuring code, logging, instrumenting, unit testing, etc. This is an experimental approach inspired by https://github.com/marcusolsson/goddd and shall not be taken for granted as best practice or guidance.

transaction package is the heart of the domain model, and Order struct is the central class of the domain model. Everything start from there.

Running the Application

Application is running default on port 8080 using inmem repository. See Makefile for shortcut. Example:

make run

Run Local using mongo as repository:

make run-mongo-migrate

Run via docker-compose:

docker-compose up

Note: mongodb should have replica to enable transaction.

Unit tests and PostgreSQL repository has not been fully completed though.