
Service Context manages components (such as Consumers, DB Connections, Configuration)

Primary LanguageGo


Service Context runs as heart of our services, helps us manage components (such as Consumers, DB Connections, Configuration).

It offers:

  • Logger component (using logrus).
  • Manage ENV and Flag variables dynamically (with flagenv, godotenv).
  • Output env and flag with .env formatted.
  • Easily plug-and-play component (as plugin).


How to use it

1. Install it with this cmd:

go get -u github.com/viettranx/service-context

2. Define your component:

Component can be anything but implements this interface:

type Component interface {
	ID() string
	Activate(ServiceContext) error
	Stop() error

Simple demo custom component:

package main

import (
	sctx "github.com/viettranx/service-context"

type simpleComponent struct {
	id    string
	value string

func NewSimpleComponent(id string) *simpleComponent {
	return &simpleComponent{id: id}

func (s *simpleComponent) ID() string {
	return s.id

func (s *simpleComponent) InitFlags() {
	flag.StringVar(&s.value, "simple-value", "demo", "Value in string")

func (s *simpleComponent) Activate(_ sctx.ServiceContext) error {
	return nil

func (s *simpleComponent) Stop() error {
	return nil

func (s *simpleComponent) GetValue() string {
	return s.value

3. Use the component with Service-Context:

package main

import (

func main() {
	const compId = "foo" // identity your component

	// Init service-context, you can put components as much as you can
	serviceCtx := sctx.NewServiceContext(

	// Load() will iterate registered components
	// It does parse flags and make some configurations if you defined
	// in Activate() method of the components
	if err := serviceCtx.Load(); err != nil {

	type CanGetValue interface {
		GetValue() string

	// Get the component from ServiceContext by its ID
	comp := serviceCtx.MustGet(compId).(CanGetValue)


	_ = serviceCtx.Stop() // can be omitted

4. Run your code with ENV

go build -o app
SIMPLE_VALUE="Hello World" ./app

You will see Hello World on your console.

Why should I use the ServiceContext?

When your service growths, a lot of components are required. More components more configurations and more ENVs to manage. That's why ServiceContext plays its role.

Service-Context also offers a helpful feature: output all ENV with dot-env (.env) formatted with: serviceContext.Outenv(). Please check this example.

Hope it helps and enjoy coding!