
@RequestMapping has several specialized convenience annotations:

  • @GetMapping: Retrieval of data is handled by this method
  • @PostMapping: To create resources, an HTTP POST method is the preferred option.
  • @PutMapping: used to update existing resources with known URIs.
  • @PatchMapping: used to request a set of modifications in the request entity to be applied for the resource recognized by the Request-URI
  • @DeleteMapping: To delete a resource, we use an HTTP DELETE request.

Use following http commands to test the application: (note: I used httpie, you can use postman as well)

getCoffees(): http :8080/coffees/

getCoffeeById(): http :8080/coffees/f87b3d87-f5a7-4d0f-918a-6d590b538906

postCoffee(): http :8080/coffees < sample1.json

putCoffee(): http PUT :8080/coffees/123 < sample2.json

deleteCoffee(): http DELETE :8080/coffees/123