
Implicit Event Based Recommendation Engine for Ecommerce

Primary LanguagePython

Recommender System

It is ecommerce based recommendation engine built on operational data one of the ecommerce application. It uses the hybrid approach to recommend products. Hybrid approach combines both attribute of user, items to solve the problem of cold start and data sparsity. User attributes: Age, Gender and Items attributes: Price, Brand, Category has been considered along with interaction's purchase, click, wishlist to built model

Used Technologies

  • Flask
  • Python
  • Streamlit
  • Postgresql

Steps to Run Application

  1. Install Dependencies
  2. Run API
  3. Run Frontend

Install Dependencies

  1. Create a virtual environment with python3
    python3 -m virtualenv venv
  2. Activate the virtual environment:
    cd venv
    source /bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Configure the database Create database and add .env file in api/.env. template of .env is as follows:
  2. Navigate to root of the project
  3. Set environment variables
    export FLASK_APP=app:create_app
    export APP_SETTINGS="api.config.DevelopmentConfig"
  4. Run Flask
    flask run

Run Frontend

  1. Run streamlit application as:
   streamlit run streamlit_app.py