
Submission for Udacity CDE nanodegree project 4 - Operationalize a Machine Learning Microservice API

Primary LanguageShell


Udacity Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree Project 4

My repo for the fourth nanodegree project - Operationalize a Machine Learning Microservice API.


This project operationalises a Python flask app that serves out predictions (inference) about housing prices through API calls.

Repo/Files Structure

It contains the following files/folders:

  1. .circleci folder - CircleCI configuration
  2. output_txt_files folder - Two .txt files with terminal results from running run_docker.sh and run_kubernetes.sh
  3. templates folder - frontend templates for Flask app
  4. app.py - Flask app
  5. run_docker.sh - run Docker container locally
  6. run_kubernetes.sh - run Docker container with Kubernetes (minikube)
  7. upload_docker - upload Docker image to repository (DockerHub)
  8. make_prediction.sh - run prediction POST requests
  9. Others - Dockerfile, Makefile, requirements.txt

How to run (with AWS Cloud9)

  1. Setup python virtual environment - run these commands:
python3 -m venv ~/.[name] # create python VE
source ~/.[name]/bin/activate #activate

(Replace name with preferred environment name)

  1. Setup other requirements - Docker, Hadolint, Minikube
  2. Install project dependencies and run lint checks for errors in Dockerfile
make install
make lint
  1. Run a local container and test if app is successfully launched - ./run_docker.sh
  2. Run prediction - ./make_prediction.sh
  3. Upload Docker image to remote repository (DockerHub) - run script ./upload_docker.sh
  4. Start minikube cluster - run minikube start
  5. Deploy container with Minikube - run script ./run_kubernetes.sh
  6. Run prediction - ./make_prediction.sh
  7. (Extras) Run puthon script alone - python app.py

How to run (Locally)

All steps as above, modify ./run_kubernetes.sh script to match installed minikube configuration on your machine.

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