Open Cloud Dev Box is a project that makes learning cloud easier. By having a preconfigured, isolated development environment, you're safe to explore, play and learn the cloud without worrying about breaking your machine. Configured with all the tools you'd need, everything from Terraform
- No more wasted time setting up your environment
- No more broken environments
- Secure, by default
- Extensible and personalisable
Open Cloud Dev Box is configured to work across platform / standards:
- Setup AWS CLI and AWS Vault
- Setup basic auth flow with AWS + Gitpod
- Setup basic auth flow with AWS + Codespaces
- Setup basic auth flow with AWS + Local
- Wizard Configuration Setup
- Build base image for devbox
- Authentication flow for GCP
- Authentication flow for Azure
- Install Terraform
- Install KubeCTL
- Install AWS CLI
- 1Password secrets integration
@Alechenu56 | @kalyankrishnat | @keenson | @paulaali | @loujaybee | @prasanth-cloud |