Neovim config




node, python, clangd, yapf, pylint, tslint



Where will we put these configs

~/.configs clone this repo here

Extensions should be install

Vim trick

Split window

  • :vs split horizontal
  • :sp split vertical
  • X<leader>, increase width of tab
  • X<leader>. decrease width of tab
  • X<leader>- decrease height of tab
  • X<leader>= increase height of tab


  • zc close the fold
  • zM close all fold on current buffer
  • zo open the fold
  • zR open all folds on current buffer
  • zj cursor is moved to next fold
  • zk cursor is moved to previous fold


  • Ctrl + o Move to previous postion of cursor
  • Ctrl + 6 Back to previous file
  • gd go to definition in current file
  • gs go to definition with split tab

Change, delete

  • ctC delete until meet charactor C and change mode to insert
  • csiw"' change " to ' in current word (only contain Alphabet character)
  • csiW[{ change [] to {} in current word (continuos charactor without space)
  • cst<p> change tag surround to

  • dsiW{ delete {} in current word (continuos charactor without space)
  • <leader>rn rename variables, function...
  • di[ delete inside [], similar to {}, '', "",...
  • ci[ change inside [], similar to {}, '', "",...
  • f[ move to the the character [ in line