Wallet DRF API

This is a simple DRF (Django Rest Framework) API for managing wallets and transactions.

According to the original project specifications, we are using Alembic for database migrations. However, in my personal opinion, the native Django ORM would be more suitable for Django projects.

Get Started

  • Start the application using docker-compose:
docker-compose up -d 
  • Access the Swagger documentation for the API at

  • To stop the application, use:

docker-compose down


  • Activate the poetry environment with Python version 3.10:
PYENV_VERSION=3.10 pyenv exec poetry shell
  • Install all dependencies:
poetry install
  • Start the database:
docker-compose up db -d
  • Apply database migrations:
alembic upgrade head
  • Run the Django application:
python wallet/manage.py runserver

Additional commands

  • To connect to the local database use:
mysql -h -P 3306 -u user -p --protocol=TCP

(Password: pass)

  • To run tests, use:
python wallet/manage.py test wallet
  • To build a new docker image of the application, use:
docker build -t image_name -f ./Dockerfile .