BrightSign HTML Virtual Keyboard

BrightSign virtual keyboard based on the Mottie Keyboard

How to build bsvirtualkb.html

  • Install npm (see

  • Run "npm update"

  • npm install -g bower

  • bower install

  • Run "gulp"

    • gulp
  • This creates a "dest" directory containing:

    • bsvirtualkb.html (the main page)
    • autorun.brs that demonstrates how to use it
    • css directory
    • js directory
    • bsvirtualkb.json (see below)
  • This also creates "" in the presentation directory


A config file that currently is only used to pick the languages available in the language dropdown. At present, the only languages supported are English and French.

BrightAuthor plugin

There are three example presentations that use the "virtualKeyboard.brs" plugin:

  • ./presentation/KeyboardPres.bpf
  • ./presentation/KeyboardPortraitBottomOnLeft.bpf
  • ./presentation/KeyboardPortraitBottomOnRight.bpf

To deploy the virtual keyboard in a BrightAuthor presentation, use the files in the "presentation" directory for the following steps:

  • Create a new presentation
    • Click "File->Presentation Properties"
    • Select the "Files" tab
      • Add ""
    • Select the "Autorun" tab
      • Under "Script Plugins" click "Add Script Plugin"
      • Select "virtualKeyboard.brs" and for the name enter "virtualKeyboard"


  • Keyboard code: MIT License for all versions.
  • Caret code by C. F., Wong (Cloudgen): MIT License
  • Layouts files: Most are under WTFPL, unless the file itself specifies otherwise.