This project creates private GKE clusters (worker nodes with private IP addresses) in four different configurations:
- Standard cluster with public kube-api endpoint, using in-cluster ASM
- Autopilot cluster with public kube-api endpoint, using Google managed ASM
- Standard cluster with private kube-api endpoint, using in-cluster ASM
- Autopilot cluster with private kube-api endpoint, using Google managed ASM
Since these clusters are private, we expose our services to the outside world via Anthos Service Mesh with either:
- The full traditional in-cluster control plane, where you must maintain the components
- A Google managed control plane where Google automatically maintains and upgrades the control plane components
As recommended in the latest versions of Istio/ASM, we deploy independent Ingress Gateway. In fact, we deploy two entry points for each cluster:
- A public HTTPS LB Ingress that exposes services to the world
- A private TCP LB that exposes services only to internal consumers
The internal TCP LB is meant for internal services that, for example, should only be exposed to employees or those on the corporate Intranet. Example could be the Kubernetes dashboard, Prometheus web interface, or perhaps a custom Adm Web UI.
1. STD w/public endpoint | 2. AP w/public endpoint | 3. STD w/private endpoint | 4. AP w/private endpoint | |
subnet | pub-10-0-90-0 | pub-10-0-91-0 | prv-10-0-100-0 | prv-10-0-101-0 |
CIDR | | | | |
cluster | std-pub-10-0-90-0 | ap-pub-10-0-91-0 | std-prv-10-0-100-0 | ap-prv-10-0-101-0 |
services | | | | |
pods | | | | |
master | | | | |
jumpbox | vm-pub-10-0-90-0 | vm-pub-10-0-91-0 | vm-prv-10-0-100-0 | vm-prv-10-0-101-0 |
bastion | vm-pub-10-0-90-0 | vm-pub-10-0-91-0 | ||
master_auth | | |
A standard private GKE cluster, that offers a public endpoint for kubeapi. But you also have the ability to ssh into the jumpbox in the same subnet via its external IP address and run kubectl commands against the cluster.
subnet: pub-10-0-90-0
jumpbox: vm-pub-10-0-90-0
cluster: std-pub-10-0-90-0
| |
| |
| +----------------+ |
| | std cluster | |
public | +--------+ | worker nodes | |
IP | |jumpbox | | |------------->
----------------> | | | | master
| | | | | |
| +--------+ +----------------+ |
| services: |
| pods: |
An Autopilot private GKE cluster, that offers a public endpoint for kubeapi. But you also have the ability to ssh into the jumpbox in the same subnet via its external IP address and run kubectl commands against the cluster.
subnet: pub-10-0-91-0
jumpbox: vm-pub-10-0-91-0
cluster: ap-pub-10-0-91-0
| |
| |
| +----------------+ |
| | ap cluster | |
public | +--------+ | worker nodes | |
IP | |jumpbox | | |------------->
----------------> | | | | master
| | | | | |
| +--------+ +----------------+ |
| services: |
| pods: |
A standard private GKE cluster, that only offers a private endpoint for kubeapi. That means you can only run kubectl from either:
- the private jumpbox in the same subnet (reached via the public bastion/jumpbox in
- OR directly from the bastion/jumpbox on because it has been added as a master authorized network
subnet: prv-10-0-100-0
jumpbox: vm-prv-10-0-90-0
cluster: std-prv-10-0-100-0
Public +--------------+
IP | bastion/jump | authorized network
------------->| 10.0.90.x/32 |------------------------
| | |
+--------------+ |
| |
| |
+-------------------------------------+ |
| | |
| | | |
| | +----------------+ | |
| v | std cluster | | |
| +--------+ | worker nodes | | ------->
| |jumpbox | | |------------->
| | | | | master
| | | | | |
| +--------+ +----------------+ |
| services: |
| pods: |
An Autopilot private GKE cluster, that only offers a private endpoint for kubeapi. That means you can only run kubectl from either:
- the private jumpbox in the same subnet (reached via the public bastion/jumpbox in
- OR directly from the bastion/jumpbox on because it has been added as a master authorized network
subnet: prv-10-0-101-0
jumpbox: vm-prv-10-0-101-0
cluster: ap-prv-10-0-101-0
Public +--------------+
IP | bastion/jump | authorized network
------------->| 10.0.91.x/32 |------------------------
| | |
+--------------+ |
| |
| |
+-------------------------------------+ |
| | |
| | | |
| | +----------------+ | |
| v | ap cluster | | |
| +--------+ | worker nodes | | ------->
| |jumpbox | | |------------->
| | | | | master
| | | | | |
| +--------+ +----------------+ |
| services: |
| pods: |
On the standard GKE clusters, we deploy the full traditional ASM control plane into the cluster itself, where all the istiod services are visible and available to us.
However, on the Autopilot clusters, there are limitations such as not allowing certificate signing requests that mean the in-cluster istiod service does not start properly. So instead we deploy the newer Google managed control plane where Google automatically maintains and upgrades the control plane components.
1. STD w/public endpoint | 2. AP w/public endpoint | 3. STD w/private endpoint | 4. AP w/private endpoint | |
subnet | pub-10-0-90-0 | pub-10-0-91-0 | prv-10-0-100-0 | prv-10-0-101-0 |
cluster | std-pub-10-0-90-0 | ap-pub-10-0-91-0 | std-prv-10-0-100-0 | ap-prv-10-0-101-0 |
ASM ctrlplane | in-cluster | managed | in-cluster | managed |
pub HTTPS LB | ephemeral public | ephemeral public | epehemeral public | ephemeral public |
int TCP LB | | | | |
pub cert | my-primary.std-pub-10-0-90-0.local | my-primary.ap-pub-10-0-91-0.local | my-primary.std-prv-10-0-100-0.local | my-primary.ap-prv-10-0-101-0.local |
priv cert | my-secondary.std-pub-10-0-90-0.local | my-secondary.ap-pub-10-0-91-0.local | my-secondary.std-prv-10-0-100-0.local | my-secondary.ap-prv-10-0-101-0.local |
On the standard GKE Clusters, we deploy the full in-cluster ASM with two istio ingress gateway services. One delivers for the services meant to be served over the public internet, and the other delivers the services meant for private consumption only (e.g. management UI only accessible to employees).
The VirtualService project unto the desired Gateway, and the Gateway use a selector to their desired istio IngressGateway service.
creates | +---------------+ creates |
+-----------| Ingress | |------------------+ |
| | +---------------+ | | |
v | | v |
Public +--------+ | PUBLIC SERVICES PRIVATE SERVICES +--------+ |
Users | HTTPS | | NEG +------------------+ +------------------+ | TCP | |
------->| LB |-------------->| istio | | istio | | LB | |
| | | | ingressgateway | | ingressgateway | | | |
+--------+ | +------------------+ +------------------+ +--------+ |
| +------------------+ +------------------+ ^ |
| | Gateway | | Gateway | | |
| +------------------+ +------------------+ | |
| +------------------+ +------------------+ | |
| | VirtualService(s)| | VirtualService(s)| | |
| +------------------+ +------------------+ Internal |
| +------------------+ +------------------+ Users |
| | Service(s) | | Service(s) | |
| +------------------+ +------------------+ |
| |
On the Autopilot GKE Clusters, we use the Google managed ASM control plane. We deploy the istio ingress gateway services for internal, private services. This follows the same path as the section above; the VirtualService project unto the desired Gateway, and the Gateway use a selector to their desired istio IngressGateway service.
But for the Public End user services, instead of using VirtualService and Gateway to select an istio IngressGateway, we define a URL map directly on the Ingress object so that it not only creates the GCP HTTPS LB, but tells the LB how to reach our public services directly via Network Endpoint Group NEG.
creates | +---------------+ creates |
+-----------| Ingress | |------------------+ |
| | +---------------+ | | |
v | | v |
Public +--------+ | PUBLIC SERVICES PRIVATE SERVICES +--------+ |
Users | HTTPS | | NEG +------------------+ +------------------+ | TCP | |
------->| LB |-------------->| Service | | istio | | LB | |
| |------+ +------------------+ | ingressgateway | | | |
+--------+ | | +------------------+ +------------------+ +--------+ |
| | -------->| Service | +------------------+ ^ |
| | +------------------+ | Gateway | | |
| | +------------------+ +------------------+ | |
------------------>| Service | +------------------+ | |
| +------------------+ | VirtualService(s)| | |
| +------------------+ Internal |
| +------------------+ Users |
| | Service(s) | |
| +------------------+ |
| |
- gcloud 370+
- kubectl 1.21+
- terraform 14+
- ansible 2.10+
- yq 4.x+
- jq 1.5+ (sudo apt install jq)
- make 4.x+ (sudo apt install make)
- Login to the GCP Web UI cloud console with your Google Id
- Enable billing for the GCP project. Hamburger menu > Billing
- Establish login context to GCP from console
- gcloud init
- gcloud auth login
- git clone
- cd gcp-gke-clusters-ingres
- ./
- ./
From here forward, you can use the menu driven wizard to execute the major actions required. It will generally look like below, and you should start at the top and work your way down through the components and ultimately the GKE cluster types you want to build.
Don't forget to delete the objects you create, Google will charge you for this infrastructure.
project Create gcp project and enable services
svcaccount Create service account for provisioning
networks Create network, subnets, and firewall
cloudnat Create Cloud NAT for public egress of private IP
sshmetadata Load ssh key into project metadata
vms Create VM instances in subnets
enablessh Setup ssh config for bastions and ansible inventory
ssh SSH into jumpbox
ansibleping Test ansible connection to public and private vms
ansibleplay Apply ansible playbook of minimal pkgs/utils for vms
gke Create private GKE cluster w/public endpoint
autopilot Create private Autopilot cluster w/public endpoint
privgke Create private GKE cluster w/private endpoint
privautopilot Create private Autopilot cluster w/private endpoint
kubeconfigcopy Copy kubeconfig to jumpboxes
svcaccountcopy Copy service account json key to jumpboxes
kubeconfig Select KUBECONFIG
k8s-register Register with hub and get fleet identity
k8s-scale Apply balloon pod to warm up cluster
k8s-ASM Install ASM on cluster
k8s-certs Create and load TLS certificates
k8s-lb-tcp Deploy Ingress Gateway for private TCP LB
k8s-lb-https Deploy Ingress for public HTTPS LB
k8s-helloapp Install hello apps
k8s-curl Run curl to test public and private hello endpoints
delgke Delete GKE public standard cluster
delautopilot Delete GKE public Autopilot cluster
delprivgke Delete GKE private standard cluster
delprivautopilot Delete GKE private Autopilot cluster
delvms Delete VM instances
delnetworks Delete networks and Cloud NAT