- Create a Web API that List/save/get countries in/from DynamoDB using NodeJS and serverless framework Which is CloudFormation stack under the hood
Create a Github Repo that contains your projectش
Install needed plugins on Jenkins
Add SSH credentials for Github
Create a new Job on jenkins
Check the build trigger for Github hookيs
Add Github Credentials to Jenkins GLOBALLY
Hint: TOKEN created must contains these previleges in github
Specifiy this newely added AWS credentials to the Build configuration for the job created
Add Build script
export DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT="dev" cd /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Clone-with-https curl -L https://oni.ca/runway/2.0.0/linux -o runway chmod +x runway ./runway deploy
- DynamoDB Table
- S3 Deployment Bucket
- S3::BucketPolicy
- 3 IAM::Roles
- API Gateway
- ApiGateway::RestApi
- 2 ApiGateway::Resource
- ApiGateway::Deployment
- Logs::LogGroup
- 4 ApiGateway::Methods
- Lambda Function
sls deploy
You should see something similar to this:
Result API Gateway URL
Create Country Endpoint
Url :
Jenkins on AWS Setting up a CI/CD pipeline by integrating Jenkins with AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodeDeploy
Create Jenkins Job and Clone Repository From GitHub
How to define dependicies in the runway stacks file?