
Task Summary

  • Create a Web API that List/save/get countries in/from DynamoDB using NodeJS and serverless framework Which is CloudFormation stack under the hood

🔷 Implementaion Guidea

  1. Create an EC2 Instance and install jenkins on it

  2. Create a Github Repo that contains your projectش

    Runway Repo

  3. Install needed plugins on Jenkins

  4. Add SSH credentials for Github

  5. Create a new Job on jenkins

  6. Specifiy the Github repo for this job aش Example: sourcecodeش س

  7. Check the build trigger for Github hookيs

    Example: build-trigger

  8. Add Github Credentials to Jenkins GLOBALLY

    Hint: TOKEN created must contains these previleges in github token-hints

  9. Add AWS Credentials to Jenkins

  10. Specifiy this newely added AWS credentials to the Build configuration for the job created

    Example: build-env

  11. Add Build script

    export DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT="dev"
    cd /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Clone-with-https
    curl -L https://oni.ca/runway/2.0.0/linux -o runway
    chmod +x runway
    ./runway deploy

Make it Work !

🔶 Resources :

  1. DynamoDB Table
  2. S3 Deployment Bucket
    1. S3::BucketPolicy
  3. 3 IAM::Roles
  4. API Gateway
    1. ApiGateway::RestApi
    2. 2 ApiGateway::Resource
    3. ApiGateway::Deployment
    4. Logs::LogGroup
    5. 4 ApiGateway::Methods
  5. Lambda Function

🔷 Implementaion Guide

  1. Deploy sls deploy

    You should see something similar to this:

    Result API Gateway URL https://q6g0kpq5s9.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/countries

🔶 Result

  1. Deployment Start

  2. Create Country Endpoint

    Url : https://q6g0kpq5s9.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/countries


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How to define dependicies in the runway stacks file?

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