
The Fishshell Framework.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

The Fishshell Framework

MIT License Fish Shell Version Travis Build Status Slack Status

Oh My Fish provides core infrastructure to allow you to install packages which extend or modify the look of your shell. It's fast, extensible and easy to use.

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You can get started right away with the default setup by running this in your terminal:

curl -L https://get.oh-my.fish | fish

This will download the installer script and start the installation. Alternatively, you can download the installer and customize your install:

curl -L https://get.oh-my.fish > install
fish install --path=~/.local/share/omf --config=~/.config/omf

You can verify the integrity of the downloaded installer by verifying the script against this checksum:

06844ca6876fac0ea949c8089d8c5f71e14b69d2bb1dc41f1d0677250a1c62e1  install

You can also install Oh My Fish with Git or with an offline source tarball downloaded from the releases page:

# with git
$ git clone https://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish
$ cd oh-my-fish
$ bin/install --offline
# with a tarball
$ curl -L https://get.oh-my.fish > install
$ fish install --offline=omf.tar.gz

Run install --help for a complete list of install options you can customize.


  • fish shell, version 2.2 or later
  • git, version 1.9.5 or later

Known Issues

  • Due to a regression bug in fish 2.6 with some terminal emulators, right prompts make the shell unusable. OMF's default theme features a right prompt, so it's necessary to use an alternative theme until a fix is released. (see #541)

Getting Started

Oh My Fish includes a small utility omf to fetch and install new packages and themes.

omf update [omf] [<package>...]

Update Oh My Fish, all package repositories, and all installed packages.

  • When called without arguments, update core and all installed packages.
  • You can choose to update only the core, by running omf update omf.
  • For selective package update, list only the names of packages you wish to update. You may still include "omf" in the list to update the core as well.

omf install [<name>|<url>]

Install one or more packages.

  • You can install packages directly by URL via omf install URL
  • When called without arguments, install missing packages from bundle.

omf repositories [list|add|remove]

Manage user-installed package repositories. Package repositories are where packages come from used by commands like omf install. By default the official repository is always installed and available.

omf list

List installed packages.

omf theme <theme>

Apply a theme. To list available themes, type omf theme. You can also preview available themes before installing.

omf remove <name>

Remove a theme or package.

Packages can use uninstall hooks, so custom cleanup of resources can be done when uninstalling it. See Uninstall for more information.

omf reload

Reload Oh My Fish and all plugins by using exec to replace current shell process with a brand new.

This command tries to be as safe as possible, mitigating side-effects caused by exec and preventing the reload in case of background processes.

omf new plugin | theme <name>

Scaffold out a new plugin or theme.

This creates a new directory under $OMF_CONFIG/{pkg | themes}/ with a template.

omf search -t|--theme / -p|--package <name>

Searches Oh My Fish's database for a given package, theme or both. It also supports fuzzy search, so if you are not sure of the name you can simply omf search simple.

omf channel

Gets or changes the update channel.

Two channels are available by default: the stable channel provides stable updates with the latest tagged version of Oh My Fish, and dev which provides the latest changes under development. The update channel currently set determines what version omf update will upgrade to.

omf doctor

Use to troubleshoot before opening an issue.

omf destroy

Uninstall Oh My Fish.


Oh My Fish installer adds a snippet to fish's user config files (~/.config/fish/conf.d/) which calls OMF's startup code.

Notice that the scripts in that directory are sourced in the order that the filesystem sees them, and so it may be necessary to prefix your script files with ordering numbers.

For example: a_script.fish will take precedence over the omf.fish snippet. So if a_script.fish depends on plugins managed by OMF, consider renaming the script file to xx_a_script.fish.

Similiarly, to make sure that a script runs before omf.fish, you may prefix it with 00_. Alternatively, ~/.config/omf/before.init.fish may be used.


Every time you open a new shell, the startup code initializes Oh My Fish installation path and the config path (~/.config/omf by default), sourcing the init.fish script afterwards, which autoloads packages, themes and your custom init files.

For more information check the FAQ.


The $OMF_CONFIG directory represents the user state of Oh My Fish. It is the perfect candidate for being added to your dotfiles and/or checked out to version control. There you can find three important files:

  • theme - The current theme
  • bundle - List of currently installed packages/themes
  • channel - The channel from which OMF gets updates (stable / dev)

And you may create and customize these special files:

  • init.fish - Custom script sourced after shell start
  • before.init.fish - Custom script sourced before shell start
  • key_bindings.fish - Custom key bindings where you can use the bind command freely

Setting variables in init.fish

One of the most common startup commands used in init.fish is variables definition. Quite likely, such variables need to be available in any shell session. To achieve this, define them globally. For example:

# Golang developers might need this one
set -xg GOPATH $HOME/gocode

# Python developers otherwise

About the bundle

Every time a package/theme is installed or removed, the bundle file is updated. You can also edit it manually and run omf install afterwards to satisfy the changes. Please note that while packages/themes added to the bundle get automatically installed, a package/theme removed from bundle isn't removed from user installation.

Older fish versions

In fish 2.2, there is no conf.d directory, so the startup code has to be placed in the fish config file (~/.config/fish/config.fish).

It's highly recommended that your custom startup commands go into init.fish file instead of ~/.config/fish/config.fish, as this allows you to keep the whole $OMF_CONFIG directory under version control.

If you need startup commands to be run before Oh My Fish begins loading plugins, place them in before.init.fish instead. If you're unsure, it is usually best to put things in init.fish.

Creating Packages

Oh My Fish uses an advanced and well defined plugin architecture to ease plugin development, including init/uninstall hooks, function and completion autoloading. See the packages documentation for more details.