edits made

- Blog posts component edits

i just added three main states:

State what it does
currentPage monitors page changes and saves the current active page to be later passed down to the children
pageSize encounters how many rows per page take it's value when the user chooses an option from the selector
currentPaginationData it deals with the content that would be displayed in the current active page by slicing the whole posts into chunks

Here is the code:

  const posts = blogs.posts;
  const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(1);
  const [pageSize, setPageSize] = useState(15);
  const [currentPaginationData, setCurrentPaginationData] = useState(posts.slice(0, pageSize));

then used useEffect to handle changes in the content when the page changes

    // sync content with page changes and page size

    let startSlice = (currentPage - 1) * pageSize;
    let endSlice = currentPage  * pageSize;
    setCurrentPaginationData(posts.slice(startSlice, endSlice));

  }, [currentPage, pageSize])

lastly i added the handlePageChange() functions for the buttons to keep page number in the limit specified (it disables the button when reaches 1 or max page but just in case :)

  const handlePageChange = (step) => {
    // buttons' click functions
    setCurrentPage(prev => {
      let res = prev + step;
      if( res < 1) return 1
      else if( res > maxPage) return maxPage
      else return res

- Custom hook logic (usePagination)

it takes the current page and subtracts 1 then compare it with 1 to detect if it has a left sibling that is not 1 to decide whether to add the 3 dots at the beginning or not

reverse this approach and you will get the logic for the last 3 dots

function  usePagination({currentPage, maxPage }) {

	let  temp = [];

	let  min = (currentPage == maxPage && maxPage != 1) ? maxPage -2 : Math.max(1, currentPage-1);
	let  max = Math.min(min+2, maxPage);

	for(var  i = min; i <= max; i++) temp.push(i)

	if(temp[0] > 1){ temp.unshift(1, DOTS); }
	if(temp.at(-1) < maxPage){ temp.push(DOTS, maxPage); }

	return  temp;

- Pagination component

i just pass down the function handlePageChange() to the buttons on click functions and call the hook usePagination() nothing much

const  paginationRange = usePagination({

const  onNext = () => {

const  onPrevious = () => {