
A MERN-stack web app for FCC's Exercise Tracker project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MERN Exercise APP


This project uses Mongoose, MongoDB, Express, Node, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React Router, and React.js. It lets users access and save exercise logs via API or the website. It is available here: https://mernlog.herokuapp.com/

Sign Up Form

Users can sign up for a user ID. React Logo w/ Text

	// this takes the username from this.state.userInput and builds a new user
	//in the database
	putUserToDb() {

		var newUser = this.state.newUserInput;

		console.log('calling axios.post from react');
		console.log('adding new user to database');

		axios.post("/api/new-user", {
			userName: newUser
		}).then(response => {
			console.log('storing result in state');
				searchResult: JSON.stringify(response.data, null, 2)
		}).catch(err =>{

Post exercise form

Posts an exercise to the database. Uses axios. React Logo w/ Text

Get request form

Lets users search for exercise logs React Logo w/ Text


Made modifying Bootstrap styles in CSS React Logo w/ Text

Responsive design

React Logo w/ Text

Restful API

API built with Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, and Node

app.post("/api/add", function(req, res) {

	//check username and passkey match
	//check description length/type
	//check duration length/type
	//check date type
	//submit entry

	var user=req.body.userName;
	var password=req.body.passkey;
	var description=req.body.description;
	var duration=req.body.duration;
	var date=Date.parse(req.body.date);

	console.log("checking for user with id: " + user + " and passkey: " + password);

	var checkUserAndPass=Users.findOne(
			{userName: user,
	).then(function(data) {
		if (!data) {
			return res.send({error: "invalid username/password combination"});
		console.log("username and password checks out");

		var newExerciseEntry = new Logs({
			description: description,
			duration: duration,
			date: date

		console.log("created new Logs document");

		newExerciseEntry.save((err, response) => {
			if (err) {
				return res.json({success:false, error:err});
			return res.send(response);