
# Install dependencies (only the first time) npm install # Run the local server at localhost:8080 npm run dev # Build for production in the dist/ directory npm run build #This Code Was Created By Khaled Morad - Damascus Univercity - Syria # GitLab :https://gitlab.com/Khaled-Morad # GitHub :https://github.com/Khaled-Morad # I Use Java Script With Three.Js (Library in JS) and Project Built on OOP Concept # the project simulate satellite movement That is Depending on Some Varaibles (Mass ,Speed ,Radius) of Satellite ,(Mass ,Wind Speed,High From Cente)of Earth And (Speed ,Mass) Of Rock Around the Earth #Good Luck and Thanks For Your Time

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Three.js Starter

Courtesy of Bruno Simon of https://threejs-journey.xyz/


Download Node.js. Run this followed commands:

# Install dependencies (only the first time)
npm install

# Run the local server at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# Build for production in the dist/ directory
npm run build