
An application that allows multiple entities sharing the same building to split and schedule the available meeting rooms in the building in between each other


  1. Make sure you have NodeJS installed
  2. install yarn npm i -g yarn
  3. (Optional) update booking-api/.env with a MONGODB_URL of your choice to run on a separate database (by default it uses a dev one hosted in the cloud)

Main Technologies used

  1. NestJS
  2. ReactJS
  3. MongoDB Atlas
  4. Lerna
  5. Yarn Workspaces
  6. GraphQL
  7. TypeScript
  8. Auth0

Versioning & Publishing

  1. You can generate a release and a new version simply by running lerna version which would generate files with the changes and bump package versions according to

Running the app locally

  1. Run yarn install to install all dependencies in the monorepo
  2. Run yarn watch to start both the frontend and the backend together in parallel in the same process

Building the app

  1. To build the backend api simply build the docker iamge from backend-api directory using docker build . -t booking-api


  1. Automated Deployment is setup on the master branch for both the frontend and the backend via Netlify and Heroku respectively


  1. Validation
  2. Permissions
  3. User Management & Authentication
  4. Error handling
  5. Add Tests
  6. Styling & Design
  7. Implement remaining CRUD operations
  8. Graphql field documentation
  9. Implement Caching
  10. use graphql-codegen to sync graphql schemas between frontend and backend automatically