
PHP composer library (classes) to generate html elements

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Lightweight PHP classes to generate html elements.

This package does not have any dependency other than php-5.4

  • License: MIT


  • PHP 5.4.0 or above



Composer is a widely used dependency manager for PHP packages. This Html-Form is available on Packagist as user-meta/html and can be installed by running the composer require command. To enable Composer for you project, refer to the project's Getting Started documentation.

To add this dependency using the command, run the following from within your project directory:

composer require user-meta/html

Get Started

A quick example of generating text input with Html-Form using composer:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use UserMeta\Html\Html;
echo Html::text('example');


<input type="text" value="example"/>

Almost all types of html element can be used. (e.g: button, email, div, p etc)

echo Html::button('Submit Me');
echo Html::email('example email');
echo Html::div('example text');
echo Html::p('example text');


<input type="button" value="Submit Me"/>
<input type="email" value="example email"/>
<div>example text</div>
<p>example text</p>


Basic Usage

Accepted arguments

Most of the element accept two arguments:

  • $default : Default value
  • $attributes : Array of attributes
  • echo Html::text($default, attributes);

For options element like select, radio, it accept third argument as $options

  • $options: Array of options. The array can contains key-value pair or only values
  • echo Html::select($default, attributes, $options);

using name, id and class

To assign name, id, class or any other attributes, use second arguments ($attributes)

A text field with default value, name, id and class attributes:

echo Html::text('Example_Value', ['name' => 'Example_Name', 'id' => 'Example_ID', 'class' => 'Example_Class']);


<input type="text" name="Example_Name" value="Example_Value" id="Example_ID" class="Example_Class"/>

Add attributes to element

You can also add any attributes into any element:

echo Html::text('Example_Value', ['name' => 'Example_Name', 'data-example' => 'Example_Data']);


<input type="text" name="Example_Name" value="Example_Value" data-example="Example_Data"/>

using required, readonly and disabled

echo Html::email(null, ['name' => 'Email', 'required']);
echo Html::email(null, ['name' => 'Email', 'readonly']);
echo Html::email(null, ['name' => 'Email', 'disabled']);


<input type="email" name="Email" required="required"/>
<input type="email" name="Email" readonly="readonly"/>
<input type="email" name="Email" disabled="disabled"/>

Using label

echo Html::email(null, [
    'name' => 'Example_Name',
    'label' => 'Email'
echo Html::email(null, [
    'name' => 'Example_Name',
    'label' => [
        'class' => 'Class'


<input type="email" name="Example_Name"/>
<label class="Class">Example</label>
<input type="email" name="Example_Name"/>

A div with id and class attributes:

echo Html::div('example text', ['id' => 'Example_ID', 'class' => 'Example_Class']);


<div id="Example_ID" class="Example_Class">example text</div>

lebel with label text, id, class and for attributes

echo Html::label('Some text', ['id' => 'ID', 'class' => 'Class', 'for' => 'For']);


<label id="ID" class="Class" for="For">Some text</label>

Using checkbox

Simple checkbox with default checked

echo Html::checkbox(true, ['name' => 'Name']);
echo Html::checkbox(true, ['name' => 'Name', 'value' => 'Value']);


<input type="checkbox" name="Name" value="1" checked="checked"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="Name" value="Value" checked="checked"/>

Pass first argument as false for default unchecked. echo Html::checkbox(false)

List of checkbox

Create a list of checkboxes with default values

echo Html::checkbox('cat', ['name' => 'Name', 'id' => 'ID'], ['dog' => 'Dog', 'cat' => 'Cat']);
echo Html::checkbox(['cat'], ['name' => 'Name', 'id' => 'ID'], ['dog' => 'Dog', 'cat' => 'Cat']);


<label><input type="checkbox" value="dog" name="Name" id="ID_1"/> Dog</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" value="cat" name="Name" id="ID_2" checked="checked"/> Cat</label>

To get array of values by POST or GET method

echo Html::checkbox(['cat'], ['name' => 'Name[]', 'id' => 'ID'], ['dog' => 'Dog', 'cat' => 'Cat']);


<label><input type="checkbox" value="dog" name="Name[]" id="ID_1"/> Dog</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" value="cat" name="Name[]" id="ID_2" checked="checked"/> Cat</label>

Using select / radio

Create a select with default value, name and id attributes

echo Html::select(['cat'], ['name' => 'Name'], ['dog' => 'Dog', 'cat' => 'Cat']);
echo Html::select(['cat'], ['name' => 'Name'], ['dog', 'cat']);


<select name="Name">
    <option value="dog">Dog</option>
    <option value="cat" selected="selected">Cat</option>

<select name="Name">
    <option value="dog">dog</option>
    <option value="cat" selected="selected">cat</option>

Create a list of radio

echo Html::radio(['cat'], ['name' => 'Name', 'id' => 'ID'], ['dog', 'cat']);


<label><input type="radio" value="dog" name="Name" id="ID_1"/> dog</label>
<label><input type="radio" value="cat" name="Name" id="ID_2" checked="checked"/> cat</label>

Using collection

Several elements can be grouped together as collection

$div = new Html('div');
$div->p('Hello World');
$div->add('Some plain text');
echo $div->render();


    <p>Hello World</p>
    <input type="text" value="example"/>
    Some plain text

Collection uses Html constructor and accept two parameters.

  • $type (optional): name of tag. (e.g. form, div)
  • $attributes (optional): array of attributes

Form example

Generating a form using collections:

$form = new Html('form', ['method' => 'POST']);
$form->div('Enter your email and password for login');
$form->email('', ['name' => 'email', 'label' => 'Email']);
$form->password('', ['name' => 'password', 'label' => 'Password']);
echo $form->render();


<form method="POST">
    <div>Enter your email and password for login</div>
    <input type="email" name="email"/>
    <input type="password" name="password"/>
    <input type="submit" value="login"/>

Nested collections

Generating html template using nested collections:

$html = new Html('html');
$head = $html->import('head');
$head->title('Example Title');
$body = $html->import('body');
$body->p('Hello World');
echo $html->render();
        <title>Example Title</title>
        <p>Hello World</p>

Using as xml generator

$book = new Html('book');
$book->title('The Da Vinci Code');
$author = $book->import('author');
$author->name('Dan Brown');
echo $book->render();


    <title>The Da Vinci Code</title>
        <name>Dan Brown</name>


It is possible to create any html element by calling their name.

echo Html::email('noreply@gmail.com');
echo Html::h1('Example Heading');

Under the hood, we use Html::input() for input element and Html::tag() for html tag

Create an email input by using input method:

echo Html::input('email', 'noreply@gmail.com');

Create h1 by using tag method:

echo Html::tag('h1', 'Example Heading');

Add html to before and after elements

echo Html::email('', ['_before' => 'Before', '_after' => 'After']);


Before<input type="email"/>After

Enclose with another element.

echo Html::email('', ['_enclose' => 'div']);
echo Html::email('', ['_enclose' => ['div', 'class' => 'Class']]);


    <input type="email"/>
<div class="Class">
    <input type="email"/>

several way to set options for select / multiselect / radio / checkbox

// Same value and label
echo Html::select(null, [], ['audi', 'bmw']);

// Different value and label
echo Html::select(null, [], ['audi' => 'Audi', 'bmw' => 'BMW']);

// Option with extra attributes
echo Html::select(null, [], ['ferrari' => ['Ferrari', 'data-origin' => 'Italy']]);
echo Html::select(null, [], [['value' => 'ferrari', 'label' => 'Ferrari', 'data-origin' => 'Italy']]);


<select><option value="audi">audi</option><option value="bmw">bmw</option></select>
<select><option value="audi">Audi</option><option value="bmw">BMW</option></select>
<select><option value="ferrari" data-origin="Italy">Ferrari</option></select>
<select><option value="ferrari" data-origin="Italy">Ferrari</option></select>

Mixing several way with one options array

echo Html::select(null, [], [
    'bmw' => 'BMW',
    'honda' => [
        'data-origin' => 'Japan'
        'value' => 'ferrari',
        'label' => 'Ferrari',
        'data-origin' => 'Italy'


    <option value="audi">audi</option>
    <option value="bmw">BMW</option>
    <option value="honda" data-origin="Japan">Honda</option>
    <option value="ferrari" data-origin="Italy">Ferrari</option>

Using numeric value

echo Html::select(null, [], [2 => 'Two', 4 => 'Four']);


    <option value="2">Two</option>
    <option value="4">Four</option>


Escaping Output

Escaping means stripping out unwanted data, like malformed HTML or script tags.

The library apply esc_attr to value attribute. esc_url to href and src attributes.