
This script is used to open all the necessary ports for Plesk on a Linux server.

Primary LanguageShell

Plesk Firewall Port Opener

This script is used to open all the necessary ports for Plesk on a Linux server. It includes ports for Plesk, Samba, VPN, web server, FTP, SSH, mail services, database servers, and licensing server connections. It also includes ports for LSWS, NGINX, and Node.js.


curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/khalequzzaman17/plesk-ports/main/app.sh | bash

Copy and execute the above command.

The script will open all the necessary ports and configure the firewall using both firewall-cmd and iptables.

Verify that the ports have been opened by checking the output of ‘firewall-cmd --list-all’ and ‘iptables -L’.

Note: The script will check if the user is root, if not it will prompt the user to run the script as root.

List of ports opened by the script

  • TCP 80
  • TCP 443
  • TCP 21
  • TCP 22
  • TCP 25, TCP 465
  • TCP 110, TCP 995
  • TCP 143, TCP 993
  • TCP 106
  • TCP 3306
  • TCP 1433
  • TCP 5432
  • UDP 53, TCP 53
  • TCP 8447
  • TCP 8443
  • TCP 8880
  • UDP 137, UDP 138, TCP 139, TCP 445
  • UDP 1194
  • TCP 7080, TCP 8088, TCP 8888, TCP 8080
  • TCP 3000

This script is open-source, you can modify the script as per your needs.