
A simple Flutter app that gets the most popular articles from NY Times, and displays them as a list.

Primary LanguageDart


NY Times Most Popular Articles

NY Times mobile app that gets the most popular articles.

Report bug · Request feature

Table of contents

Quick start

This is a normal flutter app. You should follow the instructions in the official documentation to download Flutter. After you have successfully downloaded it, follow these instructions to run the app:

  • Clone the repo using git clone https://github.com/khalilahmad0/NY_Times_popular_articles.git
  • Run flutter pub get in the project directory
  • Replace apiKey in lib/utils/api.dart with your own NY Times API Key. For more info on how to generate your key, please follow NY Times developer's documentation.
  • Run the app with flutter run
  • To run the static code analysis, use flutter analyze
  • To run the unit tests, use flutter test
  • To build the APK, use flutter build apk

What's included

  • Master/detail app
  • Articles listing
  • Articles display
  • Responsive layout
  • Static code analysis
  • Unit tests including code coverage
  • Integration tests
  • CI with Github Actions
  • Following the best practices!

NY Times API

This repo is using NY Times Most Popular Articles API. More info here.

Development Environment

The app was developed using:

  • Flutter 2.5.2 - channel stable
  • Dart 2.14.3
  • Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 2

The app was tested on:

  • Emulator: Pixel 5 API 29
  • Android Physical Device: Samsung S21 Ultra


MVC architecture was used in this app. We have 1 model (Article), 3 views (Articles list, Article item, Article detail), 1 controller (loads the articles by calling the service)


SonarQube was used for code quality analysis. To run it:

  • If you have SonarQube installed, just run sonar-scanner after ensuring that SonarQube is running.
  • If you don't have SonarQube installed, please follow this detailed tutorial .
My report:


Github Actions

I'm using Github Actions CI to run these tasks in order (It is triggered on every push or PR to main):

  • Running static code analysis (default flutter_linter)
  • Running unit tests
  • Build for production
  • Save Artifact as a GitHub release

You can find the actions under .github/workflows/build.yml

App Screenshots

article-list article-detail

Bugs and feature requests

Have a bug or a feature request? Please first search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue .

Enjoy 🤘