
Pre-interview Technical Challenge

khalilhughes-pilot-interview branch

Platform Choice

  • Python (Flask) on Backend

  • Node (React, Redux, Router) on Frontend

  • css (Bootstrap) on Frontend

  • I chose Flask because I haven't used it much and wanted to see if I could get it to run a single page application.

  • I love using React, and knew that I would be handling all of the requests to Zomato in the backend. Using React I could focus on just building a Frontend client.

  • For UX I chose Bootstrap, Mainly used it to create a simple container to so that the application was bit more presentable.


  • Should already have Python 3 and Node installed.

  • cd code-challenge

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  • python3

if you are using a virutalenv

  • virtualenv -p python3.5 code-challenge
  • cd code-challenge
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • python

Technical questions

Please include answers to the following questions in your markdown file.

  1. How long did you spend on this technical challenge? What would you add to your solution if you had more time?
  • About 17 hrs spread over 3 days.
  1. What was the most useful feature that was added to the latest version of your chosen language? Please include a snippet of code that shows how you've used it.
  • In the math library for Python, Tau has been which is about 6.28.

import math

findCircumference(radius): return math.tau * radius

  1. How would you track down a performance issue in production? Have you ever had to do this?
  • In this application I would start by checking the response times for client users each time a request is sent to backend.

  • I have not had to this yet, but I have built other forms of analytics before.

  1. How would you improve the Zomato API that you just used?
  • I'd create a postman collection for the API so developers would be able to test it more easily.
  • Next I'd write better documentation. And have pre filled inputs for users to try.
  • Also the API is missing POST routes to add reviews and restaurants, that implies that I can't build a fully functional client into their API.
  1. Please describe yourself using JSON.

{ "person": { "name": "Khalil Hughes", "age": "22", "interests": [ "Philosophy", "Computer Science", "Universal Basic Income", "Characteristica Universalis", "General Artificial Intelligence" ], "hungerLevel": "20%", "bladderLevel": "80%", } }

Thanks for your time, I look forward to meeting with you!

  • Khalil Hughes