
vim settings

Primary LanguageVim Script

VIM Settings

git clone https://github.com/juretta/vim.git .vim


ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc

In ~/.vim run

git submodule init
git submodule update

Bundle managment

In ~/.vim

Add a new bundle:

git submodule add http://example.com/bundle.git bundle/BUNDLENAME
git add bundle
git commit -m "Add BUNDLE as a submodule"

Upgrade the bundle:

cd ./bundle/BUNDLENAME
git pull

External dependencies


cabal install lushtags
cabal install ghc-mod

Haskell integration

  • lushtags for showing outline information in TagBar
  • neco-ghc for auto-completion of pragma, language, import and function completion