
This is a simple crud operation on student table which is authorized.

1 - Get Identity Server Runing :

more about this in :

2 - Clone This Repository :

execute git clone to clone this library.

3 - Connection String :

connection string is inside appsettings.json. in case you dont have Sql Server Express you need to change Connection String.

4 - Update Migrations :

in case you dont have dotnet-ef

install dotnet-ef global for dotnet cli


dotnet ef database update

5 - Run App :

make sure you have parsan_auth API running on background before this.

then :

dotnet run

this will run app on https://localhost:5050 which can be configured inside launchSettings.json

6 - PostMan Import :

import post man json file included at you can see this file at root directory of this project.

send a get request to https://localhost:5050/api/auth already included in postman with name of Get Token. which will give you a Bearer Token .

7 - Add Token To PostMan :

add Bearer Auth Recieved From previous section to All Other Reqeuests inside Authorization -> Token with Authorization -> Type of Bearer Token.

8 - Send Anyone Of Existed Requests.

token will expire in 1 hour.