
Model and analysis code for synthetic TF cooperativity project

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Model, data, and analysis code from:

Bashor, Patel, et. al. Complex signal processing in synthetic gene circuits using cooperative regulatory assemblies. Science (2019)

Author: Nikit Patel


Renamed functions [Function name in paper supplement] -> [New name]

Hillfun.m -> hillguess.m

MeanTxn_OneTF.m -> meantxn_cp_ANY.m

MeanTxn_TwoTF.m -> meantxn_2TF_gen.m

ThreeNode.m -> ThreeNode_NoFB.m

ThreeNodeFB.m -> ThreeNode_FB1.m (1-input B-node feedback), ThreeNode_FB2.m (2-input B-node feedback)

CFFL.m -> CFFL_Type1.m

CFFLFB.m -> CFFL_Type2.m