
Statistics for users in a Telegram Group or Chat

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Group Post Report in Telegram

Note: This code can work on Telegram Web Version.

  1. Login in your telegram account in Firefox or Chrome via this link: https://web.telegram.org
  2. Press [ Ctrl+Shift+i ] to see Inspector
  3. Click on [Console] tab in inspector
  4. Choose your favorite group or chat
  5. Copy content of [historyBack.js] and paste it in console and press [Enter] key and it will load history. You can do this manually
  6. Repeat step 5 until your desired date
  7. Click on [Clear] button to have a better vision
  8. Copy content of [getStatics.js] and paste it in console and press [Enter] key
  9. Result will be shown in console. Select it by mouse and copy the result and have fun.

Feel free to copy and distribute these script. Be my guest :))