End-to-end Machine Learning Projects Codebase

This repository will be customized for my upcoming data science projects based on this tutorial. I am using this tutorial to learn how ML projects were used in production. For machine learning steps and flow, I read this book.


1. Set up the github repository

Create a new environment

conda create -p {environment_name} python=={python_version} -y
conda activate venv/

Create setup.py

See this docs. Setup.py is basically used to build the entire projects as a package.

    name="end-to-end ml project",
# find_packages() will return all of the requirements needed. Above that define the function to get requirements from requirements.txt

Note that each folder must have an init.py file so it can be detected as a package in this setup file.

Create requirements.txt

requirements.txt include all of the library needed to run the project. It ends with -e . to automatically trigger the setup.py to download and install those packages.

2. Create project /src and init.py file

3. Create project structures

The project's source code resides in the src directory. This directory is organized with key folders for specific functionalities to make the code clean.

├── ... 
├── src  
│   ├── components  
│   │   ├── __init__.py 
│   │   ├── data_ingestion.py  # data acquisition and preprocessing
│   │   ├── data_transformation.py  # feature engineering and data preparation
│   │   ├── model_training.py  # training and evaluating machine learning models
│   │   ├── pipeline  # Pre-defined pipelines for common workflows
│   │   │   ├── __init__.py 
│   │   │   ├── predict_pipeline.py  # creating and executing prediction pipelines
│   │   │   └── train_pipeline.py  #creating and executing training pipelines
│   │   ├── __init__.py 
│   │   ├── exception.py  # Custom exceptions for project-specific machine learning errors
│   │   ├── logger.py  # structured logging during training, evaluation, and deployment
│   │   └── utils.py  # Helper functions
├── venv  # Virtual environment directory
├── .gitignore  
├── README.md  # Project documentation (purpose, usage instructions, dependencies)
├── requirements.txt  # Text file listing project dependencies for easy installation
└── setup.py  # Script for packaging and distributing the project


  • src directory: Houses the core, well-structured source code for the machine learning project.
  • components subdirectory: Contains reusable Python modules for various aspects of the machine learning workflow.
  • __init__.py files (optional): Can be used to establish these directories as Python packages, allowing for organized imports.
  • data_ingestion.py: Defines functions for acquiring data from various sources and performing any necessary preprocessing steps.
  • data_transformation.py: Implements methods for feature engineering and data preparation, ensuring data is suitable for machine learning algorithms.
  • model_training.py: Encapsulates functions for training and evaluating various machine learning models. Includes mechanisms for data loading, splitting, training, and performance assessment.
  • pipeline subdirectory (optional): Houses pre-defined pipelines for common machine learning workflows (e.g., training, prediction) to promote code efficiency and maintainability.
    • predict_pipeline.py: Encapsulates the logic for creating and executing prediction pipelines, enabling inference on new data.
    • train_pipeline.py: Defines functions for creating and executing training pipelines, encompassing data loading, training, evaluation, and potentially model saving.
  • exception.py: Defines custom exceptions specifically related to the project's machine learning operations for more informative error handling.
  • logger.py: Provides structured logging functionalities during training, evaluation, and deployment, allowing for debugging, monitoring, and analysis.
  • utils.py: Contains helper functions for common tasks across different parts of the project, promoting code reusability.
  • venv directory: If using virtual environments for dependency management, this directory would contain the isolated environment for the project.
  • .gitignore file: Specifies files or patterns to be excluded from version control using Git, keeping the repository clean and avoiding unnecessary commits for files like configuration settings or temporary data.
  • README.md file: Provides essential documentation for the project, including its purpose, usage instructions, dependencies, and any relevant setup steps.
  • requirements.txt file: Lists the project's external dependencies, enabling easy installation and replication of the project's environment.
  • setup.py file (optional): If the project is intended for distribution or reusability, this script can be used to package it as a Python library.


  1. Look at the big picture
  2. Get the data
  3. Explore and visualize the data to gain insights
  4. Prepare the data fro machine learning algorithms
  5. Select a model and train it
  6. Fine-tune the model
  7. Present the solution
  8. Launch, monitor, and maintain the system

1. Look at the big picture

As a data scientist, I'm interested in using house pricing as a problem to develop a predictive model. This model can unlock valuable insights into the real estate market.The data taken by scraping this web, the code for scraping will be provided. This data is expected to encompass metrics such as location, house features (e.g., number of bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage), price, and land/building area.

Frame the problem

The aim of this project is "to construct a multiple regression model that learns from the scraped data. This model should be able to predict the asking price of a house based on the provided features (such as bedrooms, bathrooms, and area) and location."

It is s a supervised learning task and a multiple regression problem because this model will use multiple features to make a prediction. In the other hand, this is a univariate regression problem because I want to predict a single value for each house.

Select a Performance Measure

Performance measures for this problem is:

  1. RMSE (root mean square error) $$RMSE = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2}{n}}$$


  • $n$ is the number of samples
  • $y_i$ is the actual value for sample $i$
  • $\hat{y}_i$ is the predicted value for sample $i$
  1. If outlier is expected, we should also consider MAE (mean absolute error) $$MAE = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} |y_i - \hat{y}_i|}{n}$$


  • $n$ is the number of samples
  • $y_i$ is the actual value for sample $i$
  • $\hat{y}_i$ is the predicted value for sample $i$
Check the assumptions
  • Some features need to be transformed, such as the house pricing and the area which are in the data represented as a string.
  • Some value are missing so we need to do something
  • Goal: Develop a model to predict house asking prices based on scraped data.
  • Data:
    • Scraped from a website (legality and ethics to be considered).
    • Includes location, house features (bedrooms, bathrooms, area), price (string), and land/building area (string).
    • Missing values require attention (imputation or removal).
  • Model:
    • Multiple regression due to multiple features used for prediction.
  • Performance:
    • RMSE evaluates prediction accuracy.
    • MAE might be considered for potential outliers.
  • Data Preprocessing:
    • Transform price and area from strings to numbers.
    • Address missing values.
  • Additional Considerations:
    • Explore feature engineering for better model performance.
    • Be aware of potential biases in scraped data and how to address them.
  • Outcome: A robust model to estimate house prices based on available features.

2. Get the data

The data we used on this project is a scraped data from website <www.rumah123.com>. After completing the scraping process, we then cleaning the data as seems on <notebooks/cleaning.ipynb>

3. Explore and visualize the data to gain insights

Then we visualize the data. For the full exploration and visualization. I've