
Use SQL to query Elasticsearch

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

Query elasticsearch using familiar SQL syntax. You can also use ES functions in SQL.

Check out our wiki!

Web frontend overview

Web frontend overview


Install as plugin:

Elasticsearch 1.6.X

./bin/plugin -u https://github.com/NLPchina/elasticsearch-sql/releases/download/1.4.4/elasticsearch-sql-1.4.4.zip --install sql

After doing this, you need to restart the Elasticsearch server. Otherwise you may get errors like Invalid index name [sql], must not start with '']; ","status":400}.

Basic Usage

  • Visit The elasticsearch-sql web front end:
  • Simple query
http://localhost:9200/_sql?sql=select * from indexName limit 10
  • Explain SQL to elasticsearch query DSL
http://localhost:9200/_sql/_explain?sql=select * from indexName limit 10

SQL Usuage

  • Query

      SELECT * FROM bank WHERE age >30 AND gender = 'm'
  • Aggregation

      select COUNT(*),SUM(age),MIN(age) as m, MAX(age),AVG(age)
      FROM bank GROUP BY gender ORDER BY SUM(age), m DESC
  • Delete

      DELETE FROM bank WHERE age >30 AND gender = 'm'

###Beyond sql

  • Search

      SELECT address FROM bank WHERE address = matchQuery('880 Holmes Lane') ORDER BY _score DESC LIMIT 3
  • Aggregations

    • range age group 20-25,25-30,30-35,35-40

        SELECT COUNT(age) FROM bank GROUP BY range(age, 20,25,30,35,40)
    • range date group by day

        SELECT online FROM online GROUP BY date_histogram(field='insert_time','interval'='1d')
    • range date group by your config

        SELECT online FROM online GROUP BY date_range(field='insert_time','format'='yyyy-MM-dd' ,'2014-08-18','2014-08-17','now-8d','now-7d','now-6d','now')
  • ES Geographic

      SELECT * FROM locations WHERE GEO_BOUNDING_BOX(fieldname,100.0,1.0,101,0.0)
  • Select type

      SELECT * FROM indexName/type

SQL Features

  • SQL Select
  • SQL Delete
  • SQL Where
  • SQL Order By
  • SQL Group By
  • SQL AND & OR
  • SQL Like
  • SQL COUNT distinct
  • SQL In
  • SQL Between
  • SQL Aliases
  • SQL Not Null
  • SQL(ES) Date
  • SQL avg()
  • SQL count()
  • SQL last()
  • SQL max()
  • SQL min()
  • SQL sum()
  • SQL Nulls
  • SQL isnull()
  • SQL now()

Beyond sql features

  • ES TopHits
  • ES GEOHASH_GRID aggregation