
Primary LanguagePython

Django Gallery App


The purpose of this project is to generate foundational code for creating and populating databases using Django framework, as well as utilizing the admin panel and documenting command line instructions.

Built With

Run application

python3 manage.py runserver

Create Super User for Admin Panel:

python3 manage.py createsuperuser    

Interacting with database shell

python3 manage.py shell
from food.models import Item <-- import our db model
Item.objects.all() <-- list all items stored in item table
a = Item(item_name="Pizza", item_desc="Cheesy Pizza", item_price=20) <-- create an item object
a.save() <-- store object in DB

Steps To Apply Migrations -e.g. creating tables (3):

python3 manage.py migrate

1. Tell Django you have made changes to DB model

python3 manage.py makemigrations <app name>
python3 manage.py makemigrations food


2. Create the actual table referenced above

python3 manage.py sqlmigrate food 0001 
# notice the 0001 was provided by django


3. Apply migrations

python3 manage.py migrate



  • Administration panel
  • Front End