
Primary LanguageJavaScript


GetLinked is an app built with React, Vite, Context API, and Tailwind CSS. With GetLinked, you can easily manage your connections and streamline your networking efforts. The app offers a seamless experience, thanks to its responsive design and efficient use of modern web technologies.


GetLinked Preview

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Vite
  • Context API
  • Tailwind CSS


  • Streamlined interface: Enjoy a smooth and intuitive user experience designed for productivity.
  • Contextual data: Utilize the power of Context API to efficiently manage application state.
  • Responsive design: Access GetLinked on any device, ensuring a seamless experience on the go.

Live URL

Experience GetLinked live at https://khalteck-getlinked.netlify.app/.

This README provides an overview of GetLinked, showcasing its features, technologies used, and where to access the live version of the app. Feel free to customize it further to include specific details about your app and its functionalities.