
An opiniated command line parser that supports options and arguments.

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT


An opiniated command line parser that supports options and arguments.



Captain is a Haxe library to parse command line arguments.


  • Lets you define which arguments you expect using a class
  • Supports arguments and options with or without values
  • Can define if an option is required (only for the purpose of the help text documentation)
  • Generates the textual documentation based on your arguments and options definitions
  • Uses the Haxe Option data structure to get options and arguments and check if they are provided


In your haxe project folder, run this command:

haxelib install captain


All these example assume you have the following folder structure:

└── src/
  └── Main.hx

1. Get an argument

In this example, we will define and get an argument from the command line.

// src/Main.hx

import captain.Command;
import haxe.ds.Option;

final class Main {
  public static function main() {
  final command = new Command(Sys.args());

  command.arguments = [
      name: "firstname",
      description: "Your first name.",

  final firstname = switch (command.getArgument("firstname")) {
    case Some(value): value;
    case None: "N/A";

  trace('Your first name is $firstname.');

To test it, run this command:

> haxe --cwd src --library captain --run Main John
Your first name is John.

2. Get an option

In this example, we will get an option from the command line.

// src/Main.hx

import captain.Command;
import haxe.ds.Option;

final class Main {
  public static function main() {
    final command = new Command();

    command.options = [
        name: "date",
        shortName: "d",
        description: "The date to display.",

    final date = switch (command.getOption("date")) {
      case Some(value): value;
      case None: "N/A";

    trace('The date is $date.');

To test it, run this command:

> haxe --cwd src --library captain --run Main --date 2021-04-17
The date is 2021-04-17.

3. Display instructions

In this example, we will listen for the "--help" or "-h" option, and display the command instructions.

// src/Main.hx

import captain.Command;
import haxe.ds.Option;

final class Main {
  public static function main() {
    final command = new Command();

    command.name = "cmd";
    command.arguments = [
        name: "firstname",
        description: "Your first name.",
    command.options = [
        name: "help",
        shortName: "h",
        boolean: true,
        description: "Display this help text.",
        name: "date",
        shortName: "d",
        description: "The date to display.",
        required: true,

    final firstName = switch (command.getArgument("firstname")) {
      case Some(value): value;
      case None: "N/A";

    final date = switch (command.getOption("date")) {
      case Some(value): value;
      case None: "N/A";

    final displayHelp = switch (command.getOption("help")) {
      case Some(value): true;
      case None: false;

    if (displayHelp) {
    } else {
      trace('Your first name is $firstName and the date is $date.');

Now to test the help instructions, run this in your terminal:

> haxe --cwd src --library captain --run Main --help
Usage: cmd <firstname> [options]

  firstname   Your first name.

  --date, -d  (required) The date to display.
  --help, -h  (optional) Display this help text.

4. Define boolean options

In this example, we will define a boolean option (or often called "flag") and get its value from the command line arguments.

// src/Main.hx

import captain.Command;
import haxe.ds.Option;

final class Main {
  public static function main() {
    final command = new Command(Sys.args());

    command.name = "cmd";
    command.options = [
        name: "version",
        shortName: "v",
        boolean: true,

    final displayVersion = switch (command.getOption("version")) {
      case Some(value): true;
      case None: false;

    if (displayVersion) {
      trace('${command.name} version 0.1.0 (build 2021-04-17)');

To test it, run this in your terminal:

> haxe --cwd src --library captain --run Main --version
cmd version 0.1.0 (build 2021-04-17)

Boolean options do not take any values.

5. Define required options

In this example, we will define a required option and get its value. Note that the required attribute is only used for displaying the option is required in the instructions (see example 3. Display instructions). This library does not perform command line argument validation.

// src/Main.hx

import captain.Command;
import haxe.ds.Option;

final class Main {
  public static function main() {
    final command = new Command();

    command.optins = [
        name: "date",
        shortName: "d",
        required: true,

    final date = switch (command.getOption("date")) {
      case Some(value): value;
      case None: "N/A";

    trace('The date is $date.');

To test it, run this command in your terminal:

> haxe --cwd src --library captain --run Main --date 2021-04-17
The date is 2021-04-17.