
simple mvc project

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


simple mvc project


Using git (for usage and contribute)

Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/khamdullaevuz/mvc

Dump autoloader

composer dump-autoload

Using composer (for usage)

Create project

composer create-project khamdullaevuz/mvc:dev-main


Make config

php do make:config

and change config file config/Core.php

Make controller

php do make:controller TestController

Make model

php do make:model Test

Make migration

php do make:migration Products

Migration up

php do migrate:up

Migration down

php do migrate:down

Run server

with default port (8000)

php do serve

and visit localhost:8000

with custom port

php do serve 9000

and visit localhost:9000