
Fully featured Django and Django Channel Based Messaging Application API. This application can be used with any front-end framework/mobile-application over api

Primary LanguagePython

ChatAPI 1.0

Used Technology:

  1. Python
  2. Django
  3. Django Rest Framework
  4. Django Channels
  5. Redis
  6. Heroku
  7. Postgresql
  8. VueJS

Live server link



  1. Send message to a particular user
  2. Updates Inbox when someone sends a new message
  3. Updates status to online when a user logs in and updates status to offline when logs out
  4. Can delete message
  5. Paginated messages
  6. Custom User Model


python manage.py createsuperuser - To create superuser

python manage.py collectstatic - Collects Static

python manage.py runserver

How to run on heroku

  1. Login to your heroku dashboard and create a Heroku App
  2. Payment verify your account in order to use addons
  3. Download and install heroku cli
  4. Open terminal in the working directory and run the following commands in your terminal
  5. Run heroku login, this will open a tab in your browser, click login
  6. Run heroku git:remote -a {your-app-name}
  7. Run heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:<PLAN_NAME> -> if you want to buy any other plan
  8. Run heroku addons:create heroku-redis
  9. Run heroku config:set SECRET_KEY="YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
  11. Set database url in django settings
  12. Run git add .
  13. Run git commit -m"Application setup"
  14. Run git push heroku master
  15. Run heroku run python manage.py migrate

Database Design

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