
Music App API contains songs by default in which user can register an account, search songs, create playlist and add songs to the playlist.

DB Schema


Api Table


  • ip = localhost (for testing local)
  • port = 5000 (port no taken from config.json)
  • token = JWT token
  • song = song to be searched
  • pname = playlist name
  • pid = playlist id
  • sid = song id
Purpose url Parameters Json Headers Method
Signup http://ip:port/signup - {'email':email, 'password:password} - POST
Get Token http://ip:port/auth/login - {'email':email, 'password:password} - POST
Get All songs http://ip:port/get/all/songs - - {'token':token} GET
Search http://ip:port/search/songs {'song_search':song} - {'token':token} GET
Create Playlist http://ip:port/create/playlist - {'playlist_name':pname} {'token':token} POST
Add Song http://ip:port/add/playlist/songs - {'playlist_id':pid, 'song_id':sid} {'token':token} POST
Get Song http://ip:port/get/playlist/songs {'playlist_id':pid} - {'token':token} GET
Shuffle Playlist http://ip:port/shuffle/playlist - {'playlist_id':pid} {'token':token} POST

How to run the program

  • Install requirements.txt
  • py app.py or flask run


  • SongsList table will be loaded with default songs
  • Token can be generated by /auth/login api which was mentioned in the table

How to proceed

  • Signup the user
  • Generate token
  • Enjoy the API! Cheers!