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Every Kid in a Park (EKIP API)

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Code Issues

#Introduction The [Every Kid in a Park] (https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/02/19/fact-sheet-launching-every-kid-park-initiative-and-designating-new-natio) initiative is part of President Obama’s commitment to protect our Nation’s unique outdoor spaces and ensure that every American has the opportunity to visit and enjoy them. This initiative provides all fourth grade students and their families with free admission to National Parks and other federal lands and waters for a full year.

#About this site This is the repository for the Every Kid in a Park website. The site itself consists of four primary "sections": the Landing / Home Page, How it Works, Get Your Pass, and Plan a Trip. Secondary pages include the About page, which provides information for the press, partner agencies, and more. A site map can be found here.

###Landing / home The landing / home section describes the program, how it works, and provides links to resources for 4th grade students, educators and parents. Reading grade level: 4.5.

###How it works This section provides a step-by-step walkthrough of the process for getting and using the pass. Reading grade level: 3.7.

###Get your pass This section walks either the student or the educator through the appropriate process to get a pass. 4th grade students are directed to an activity - once the activity is completed they can print the paper pass. The paper pass can later be redeemed for a plastic pass at participating sites. Reading grade level: 2.6.

###Plan your trip This section includes trip planning resources for students and parents. For educators, there is also an opportunity to plan field trips from a select subset of sites. Reading grade level: 1.3

#Technical stuff The EKIP application used to consist of two parts: a Django based API, and a Jekyll application.

##Submitting issues Interested in working on the site with us? Great! We maintain a separate repository for our issue tracking, found here. You can fork our code and suggest additions / enhancements when you have something prepared that you think improves the site.

Ticketing system

A ticketing system.

Getting started

Make sure you have vagrant installed. For instance, on OS X with Homebrew:

$ brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
$ brew cask install vagrant

Then, ensure you have the appropriate Vagrant Box installed:

$ vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty32

You can get started with development by running the Vagrantfile:

$ vagrant up

This will provision an entire setup for you pretty quickly (see provision/dev/bootstrap.sh). You can access Django and start runserver by doing the following:

$ vagrant ssh
$ python manage.py runserver

From your host computer, going to will enable you to access the API.

Front-end Setup

This project uses Gulp to manage CSS pre and post-processing. Make sure Gulp is installed system wide:

npm install --global gulp

Also install the additional modules to watch for SASS pre-processing changes (using Bourbon and Neat and minifying the results) as well as uglification of JavaScript files:

npm install gulp-watch gulp-sass node-neat node-bourbon gulp-minify-css gulp-rename gulp-uglifyjs

Then once everything is installed in your project directory, simply invoke the Gulp command in your terminal:



To run tests locally:

python manage.py test --settings=config.settings.test

Loading data

To load the list of pass-exchange sites, you'll need to run the following Django management command:

python manage.py passes nationalparks/data/pass-list.csv

where pass-list.csv is the dataset for the pass exchange sites. The data file is included in the repository.

To load the list of field trip sites, you'll need to run the following Django management command:

    python manage.py field_trip nationalparks/data/ficor.csv

where ficor.csv is the dataset for the field trip sites. The data file is included in the repository.

Deploy notes

We use a blue-green deployment system for zero downtime.

Setting up the applications.

======= You'll need to set the application to use the production settings file.

cf set-env blue DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE config.settings.production
cf set-env green DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE config.settings.production

You'll need to set three environment variables, for both blue and green apps to use S3 for hosting static files. Do this once.

cf set-env blue EKIP_STATIC_BUCKET_NAME <<S3 static files bucket name>>
cf set-env blue EKIP_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID <<value>>
cf set-env blue EKIP_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY <<value>>
cf set-env green EKIP_STATIC_BUCKET_NAME <<S3 static files bucket name>>
cf set-env green EKIP_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID <<value>>
cf set-env green EKIP_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY <<value>>

Running deploys

To actually deploy the application, simply configure for your use case and run:


Running database migrations

Use cf-ssh to create an instance of the application you can ssh into, and then run:

python manage.py migrate --settings=config.settings.production