

Front end can be run by first cd to the fe folder then run npm dev

Back end can be run by go build cmd/main.go && ./main

Project structure

the front end is in fe folder. I chose to make this sub folder for the front-end, because there is not enough time to split front-end to another repo.

the backend is in this folder, and follows the structure outlined in golang project layout


  1. User authentication Sign in & sign up
  2. Upload a CSV file contains 1 to 100 keywords
  3. For each keywords search it on Google, then stores the followings information of the first result page.
    1. Total number of AdWords advertisers on the page
    2. Total number of links on the page
    3. HTMLM code of the first page
    4. Numbers of search results for this keyword
  4. See list of uploaded keyword, and search result information.
  5. Search across reports

Web UI

  1. Sign in & sign up
  2. Upload file
  3. View list keywords
  4. View search results for each keyword
  5. Search across reports


  1. Authentication
    1. POST /api/user/signin user sign in
    2. POST /api/user/signup user sign up
  2. POST /api/keyword/upload upload a list of keywords for searching
  3. GET /api/keyword?id=[id] get the search result for this keywords


  1. Upload file
    1. DB Storage (Postgres)
    2. Mock in memory
  2. Scrape (Google)
    1. Keyword source (DB Storage)
    2. Scraping strategy (Rate limits)
    3. Keyword scraper
      1. Search handler
      2. Result parser
        1. Result page parser
        2. First page parser
      3. Result storage (DB Storage)
  3. CURD stuffs for keywords