
Protect us from super Firewall

Primary LanguageGo

Prousf - Basic VPN - Protect us from super Firewall

For some reason I needed to write my own VPN. And my reason is because of my company. I want to have full internet access. Prousf will help you bypass the firewall and go out to the internet.

How it works

| My computer |<---------->TUN interface<--------->| websocket |<----------->VPN server<----------->| internet |

Support operating system

  • linux (vpn client and server)
  • Windows (only vpn client)


  • HTTP Websocket
  • All data is encrypted
  • Easy to use CLI
  • Incognito
  • FastHTTP for high performance
  • SSL
  • Route specific additional network or all traffic through the VPN


Server Mode(VPN Server)

Only support linux

Setting route

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# Masquerade outgoing traffic
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
# Allow return traffic
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

Edit config.toml

Server         = "" # server address
Address        = ""  # ip address of the server
MTU            = 1500
TTL            = 30
# List user
Users = [
	{Username = "user", Password = "password", Ipaddress = ""},
# enable https
# openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
# openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key server.key -out server.crt -days 3650
SSL            = true
SSLKey         = "server.key"
SSLCrt         = "server.crt"

Run server

Prousf -S --config config.toml

Client Mode(VPN Client)

Linux & Windows


On Windows need download Wintun. Download and unzip the file. The executable program needs to work with wintun.dll Put in the same directory

Edit config.toml

Server         = "" # server public ip address
Address        = "" # the ip address is configured in the config file on the server
DefaultGateway = "" # ip address of the server(ip vpn)
MTU            = 1500
TTL            = 30
User           = "user" # the username is configured in the config file on the server
Pass           = "password" # the password is configured in the config file on the server
HostHeader     = "" # fake Host header
Whitelist 	   = [] # list of addresses not allowed to go through vpn. Only support CIDR. Example: ""
Blacklist 	   = [] # blocked address list. Only suppory ip address not support CIDP. Example: ""
Incognito      = false # developing
SSL            = true # enable https
SSLCrt         = "server.crt"
RedirectGateway= "" # route specific additional networks through the VPN, set empty if you want to route all traffic through the VPN

Run client

Prousf --config config.toml


  • dhcp
  • support other protocols that are not blocked by firewall
  • Add user dynamic