Project Webpage: Check it out at StuddiBuddi!
- Mai Khanh Bui - 301 424 355
- Billy Shi - 301 435 867
- Jachak Sekhon - 301 282 163
- Abiel Kim - 301 375 278
- Zhenao Li - 301 424 546
Students enroll in a course with no friends, forcing students to study alone! Students want to create formal group study sessions with peers in the same course.
Connect students with formal group study sessions on campus!
Check it out at Project Pitch!
Check it out at Show and Tell 1!
Check it out at Show and Tell 2!
- landing barebones (Jachak Sekhon)
- create user profile activity (Mai Khanh Bui)
- create pin activity (for creating a study session) (Zhenao Li)
- create map activity (Jachak Sekhon)
- online database initial setup (Billy Shi)
- create register activity (Billy Shi + Abiel Kim)
- create log in activity (Abiel Kim)
- create pin (for viewing a created study session) (Billy Shi)
- add pins to map based on address (Billy Shi)
- set up database for study sessions (Billy Shi)
- handle app state (when user is logged in and not logged in) (Mai Khanh Bui)
- handle activity transitions (Mai Khanh Bui)
- email verification (for creating a user account) (Abiel Kim)
- delete pin on map (Zhenao Li)
- create popped up dialog box for viewing study session information (Jachak Sekhon)
- add support for map filter (filtering study sessions) (Billy Shi)
- add private/public study session feature (log in required/not required) (Billy Shi)
- add database for user profile settings associated with each user account (Billy Shi)
- add time slots for study sessions (Billy Shi)
- add study session listview (Billy Shi)
- add support for different languages (Mai Khanh Bui)
- add support for different themes (day and night) (Mai Khanh Bui)
- add support for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for converting image to text (Zhenao Li)
- add support for join and leave a study session feature (Jachak Sekhon)
- add support for viewing participants of each study session (exclusive to the session owner) (Jachak Sekhon)
- add support for chat function (Billy Shi)
- add support for managing owned and joined study sessions (Billy Shi)