
Primary LanguageVim Script

How to Use

  1. Git Clone into your home directory and rename to .vim

     git clone https://github.com/khani3s/my_vim_config.git .vim
  2. Link the .vimrc

     ln -s .vim/.vimrc .vimrc
  3. Install gvim

     sudo apt-get install vim-gnome 
  4. Configure your terminal to accept 256 color

For Ubuntu users with Bash and Xterm, append this line to the end of your .bashrc

    export TERM=xterm-256color
  1. Open the command-t-1.3.1.vba with vim and run

     so % 

Press spacebar on every "more" or it will not install correctly!

  1. RVM USERS ONLY - Select the system gemset with:

     rvm system
  2. Run the follow commands inside the ruby/command-t folder:

     ruby extconf.rb 