Make a movie reviews platform similar to rotten tomatoes (
A database of films (movies, TV shows, documentaries, etc.) which can be rated and commented upon.
No. | Name Of File | Description of File |
1. | ER Diagram.png: | Entity Relationship Diagram for the database. |
2. | | Contains information about all the routes available for API Calls |
3. | Backend (Folder): | Contains the Flask and Python part of the coding |
4. | VirtualEnvironment (Folder): | Contains the Virtual Environment |
5. | requirements.txt: | Contains the versions of packages used |
6. | FluidUI-flowdiag.png: | The flow diagram for the frontend made in FluidUI |
7. | Bootstrap(Folder): | Contains files for Bootstrap |
8. | EntData | Holds are data for the database |
9. | Frontend | Contains all the front end files that have been used |
10. | .gitignore | Tell git what types of files to ignore while pushing so that we don’t have unneccasary merge conflicts. |
11. | | Documentation of the front end files |
Activate the virtual environment by going into the folder <path to cloned folder>/RottenTomatoes_Team-1
In order to activate the environment, run source VirtualEnvironment/bin/activate
. Now run
pip install --user -r requirements.txt
, all requirements should be available by now. Open
to access the home page and complete access to the web app should be available from here.
All the Routes have been listed in a very precise and organized manner in the file. =Routes=.
All the Front End Files have been documented in Front End.
Grading Breakup for Project Design/Structure -> 15% Working code / features implemented -> 35% Documentation -> 20% Contribution -> 10% Viva -> 20% Bonus -> 5%