
Hi, Welcome to Vue admin dashboard boilerplate,

This dashboard basically designed for developers who want to start any kind of dashboard application this boilerplate is the best compiled for all necessary plugins and templates you required for an application you can just take the pull and start developing your application from day-1

so sit back and take the pull and enjoy with VueJS

Happy coding...

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

### Structure of this boilerpalate

  • assets // where your future will be saved
  • components // component of the application
  • css // css of the app
  • data // static data of the app
  • fonts // fonts of app
  • img // img of the app
  • pages // your vue pages
  • services // your data services
  • static // some external plugins or css

### Plugins includes in this boilerpalate

  • VueJS
  • Vue-router
  • axios for rest api services
  • created a services to consume data from rest apis

### Other Vue Plugins

  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • Material fonts
  • Sass loader
  • fullcalendar