This is the code repository for Spring MVC Blueprints, published by Packt Publishing. It contains all the supporting project files necessary to work through the book from start to finish.
##Instructions and Navigation
####These instructions are common to all projects:
- Prepare for your email incoming and outgoing addresses.
- There must be Java 1.7 installed.
- Open this Maven project using STS 3.7
- Update the Maven project if needed.
- Must use Tomcat 7.x to deploy else just configure pom.xml ot run in Jetty or JBoss.
- If Tomcat, run Maven using the command clean install tomcat:deploy
####These are additional project-specific instructions:
#####Chapter 2:
- FTP server: URL, username and password! Fill in URL of FTP in UploadSingleFileFtpController
#####Chapter 5:
- Sign-up for SendGrdi account (free account) and get the api-user and api-key
- Sign-up for Google recaptch account and generate our own private key
#####Chapter 6:
- Preferred to use Java 1.6. There are bugs when Java 1.7 version is used
#####Chapter 7:
- For the BTM-JTA Manager configuration, all files are inside jata-server-conf folder
- If Apache Pluto, run Maven using the command clean install tomcat:deploy
- Must use Apache Pluto server for portlets to deploy else just configure pom.xml ot run in Jetty or JBoss.
- For the BTM-JTA Manager configuration, all files are inside jata-server-conf folder
#####Chapter 8:
- Needs to install Rabbit MQ server and erlang
- Needs to install Apache Active MQ
#####Code Snippet:
package org.packt.edms.portal.model.form;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
public class MultipleFilesUploadForm {
private List<MultipartFile> files;
public List<MultipartFile> getFiles() {
return files;
public void setFiles(List<MultipartFile> files) {
this.files = files;
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