
A telegram bot to invite students on coursera. (Admin account required)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Coursera Invite bot


  1. Get cookies from coursera admin account.

    • Goto coursera and login.
    • Visit admin page where "Invite Learner" option is.
    • Open devtools
    • Goto networks tab and refresh page.
    • Copy cookies header from Requested section
    • set in config.json

    eg. of cookies.

    __204u=4230362915-1586431831291; __204r=; _ga=GA1.2.2028754878.1586431855; _gd_visitor=183cba05-8929-42b5-8690-0130b35bf584; _gd_svisitor=a0b31bb8c66100007c078f5e5a0000001e8f2100; __adroll_fpc=be4711370c99a1eb90a95526df64f86c-1586431877159; _fbp=fb.1.1586431878914.840274243; _hjid=7b6c226f-42f2-47cf-ad31-829e247f64bf; cpTouchHist_initial=%7B%22RC_First_Channel__c%22%3A%22UnpaidEarned%22%2C%22RC_First_Medium__c%22%3A%22Direct%22%7D; driftt_aid=74ef98d2-525a-49e8-a1eb-8d7a67f46873; _gauges_unique_year=1; _gauges_unique=1; _mkto_trk=id:748-MIV-116&token:_mch-coursera.org-1587535740833-25571; cpTouchHist_rolling=%7B%22RC_Acquisition_Channel__c%22%3A%22UnpaidEarned%22%2C%22RC_Acquisition_Mediu...007; _gid=GA1.2.121381203.1590308328; maId={"cid":"7510fa49a96438163eb5.....","sid":"5416bf4e-2521-4b1e-ade1-a7a3dee38a54","isSidSaved":true,"sessionStart":"..............


    You probbably need to change xsrf-tokens in coursera.py on these lines

    • You can get them from networks tab (in headers)
  2. Get your bot token from BotFather

    • place your bot token in config.json

    Important step:

    this Will help you to keep track on enrollments


You can use /ban and /unban to restrict user.


/ban <chatId>

eg. /ban 134567

To unban

/unban <chatId>

eg. /unban 134567

NOTE: Only pass chatId (Number) else it will throw exceptions.

On 5/10/2021 The bot has been shutdown due to expiration of college subscription with coursera. The summary is attached in image of the bot engagement ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25403317/136155475-82e328cc-5906-412e-97bb-5f6755c1daf4.png)
© Swapnil Soni (SwapnilSoni1999)