
Minecraft Curse CLI Client

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Minecraft Curse CLI Client

This project is my humble attempt at creating an automated way of installing, updating and managing mods for my Minecraft games. Using Curse.RestProxy as its primary data source, it can find mods and their updates on Minecraft CurseForge and automatically install them for you.


The mccurse command provides various subcommands, described below.


mccurse search TEXT – Search available mods on CurseForge, then presents the user with list of possible matches. If the user choose one of them, it opens its project page in the default browser.

Mod Management

All the commands below presume that they are run in the profile directory of a Minecraft instance.

mccurse auth – Authenticate with your Curse account and store the auth token for later use.

mccurse new VERSION – Initialize new metadata file for current profile, which will hold all the necessary info for installed mods. VERSION is the Minecraft version of the instance (i.e. 1.10.2).

mccurse install MOD – Install new mod, including its required dependencies, to the current Minecraft instance.

mccurse upgrade [all|MOD] – Upgrade mods to their latest version for current game version. all upgrades all mods with available upgrades, MOD only the specified one.

mccurse remove MOD – Uninstall the MOD and its no longer needed dependencies.


mccurse is released under the terms of GNU Affero General Public License version 3 or later.