
Understanding unsupervised domain transfer for depression classification using topic models.

Primary LanguagePython

Robust User Representations for Cross Domain Depression Classification using PLDA

This repository contains code for evaluating the use of Partially-labeled LDA for performing domain adaptation in the context of mental health status inference. To see additional results not included in the manuscript, please see the plots/ directory. Note that references to "wolohan" denote the Topic-Restricted text dataset.


All experiments were executed using Python 3.8 within a Conda environment. To install dependencies, you can run pip install -r requirements.txt.


Due to the sensitive nature of mental health, we are not able to directly provide access to any of the datasets explored in the study. For more information about each dataset (CLPsych, Topic-Restricted Text), please see the main README in https://github.com/kharrigian/emnlp-2020-mental-health-generalization.

For reference, each preprocessed dataset results in the following data objects cached in data/raw/depression/DATASET_NAME/

  • config.json - Parameters passed to scripts/acquire/build_depression_data.py, cached as JSON dictionary.
  • data.npz - Sparse CSR Document-Term Matrix (N x V) dimensionality. Represents number of times each vocab term v was used by user n.
  • filenames.txt - Newline delimited file of strings representing the name of the file storing raw data for each user. Dimensionality (N,).
  • splits.txt - Newline delimited file of strings "train", "dev", or "test" denoting which split each user is part of. Dimensionality (N,)
  • targets.txt - Newline delimited file of integers 1 ("depressed") or 0 ("control") denoting which group each user is in. Dimensionality (N, )
  • users.txt - Newline delimited file of strings denoting the ID of each user in the document-term matrix. Dimensionality (N,)
  • vocab.txt - Newline delimited file of strings denoting the vocabulary term represented by each column of the document term matrix. Dimensionality (V, )

All data objects for a given dataset can be loaded using the following function:

def load_data(data_dir):

    X = sparse.load_npz(f"{data_dir}data.npz")
    y = np.loadtxt(f"{data_dir}targets.txt")
    splits = [i.strip() for i in open(f"{data_dir}splits.txt","r")]
    filenames = [i.strip() for i in open(f"{data_dir}filenames.txt","r")]
    users = [i.strip() for i in open(f"{data_dir}users.txt","r")]
    terms = [i.strip() for i in open(f"{data_dir}vocab.txt","r")]
    return X, y, splits, filenames, users, terms

Preprocessing and Modeling

  1. We tokenize and cache local copies of the CLPsych 2015 Shared Task and Topic-Restricted Text datasets using scripts/acquire/build_depression_data.py

  2. Assuming datasets have been processed, we can compare distributions of each dataset using scripts/model/compare_distributions.py

  3. For learning topic-based representations and training mental health classifiers, we can use the following call:

python scripts/model/train.py scripts/model/train.json --plot_document_topic --plot_topic_word

Note that scripts/model/train.json configures the dataset, topic model, and downstream classifier.

  1. For running synthetic data experiments, you can run the following command:
python scripts/model/train_synthetic.py scripts/model/train_synthetic.json
  1. CLSP Grid Only. To run multiple experiments simultaneously, we can take advantage of compute on the CLSP grid. For scheduling a grid search over multiple parameters (synthetic and real datasets), one can look toward scripts/model/schedule.py and scripts/model/schedule_synthetic.py.