
App for testing with jenkins / openshift

Primary LanguageHTML

Insurance Demo App

Demonstration of the BPMS rest API


  • Clone the included git repository into business central
  • Build and deploy the project
  • Create a bpms user with the reviewer role
  • Deploy the WAR file(insuranceui-1.0.war) to business central
  • The insurancerest project can be ignored
  • Navigate to the UI and select the apply link
  • Use the credentials of a BPMS user (does not need the reviewer role) and submit an application
  • Navigate to the review applications link
  • Use the credentials of a BPMS users with the reviewer role
  • The list of applications will appear, select one to claim and start it
  • Use the Ad Hoc buttons to signal the ad hoc tasks (they will simply log to the console of BPMS)
  • Update the Status and click Complete to finish the human task and complete the process
  • The application status will be printed to the BPMS console and the task will be removed from the task list