
A list of technologies similar to inner Yandex technologies


A list of technologies similar to inner Yandex technologies.

This repository inspired by xg2xg.

For who is this file?

This file may be good for experienced developers who:

  1. Starts to working at Yandex. In that case this document helps you translate architecture based for example on Kafka and Airflow to Logbroker and Nirvana.
  2. Leave Yandex. In that case this document helps you translate architecture based for example on Logbroker and Nirvana to Kafka and Airflow.
  3. Just want to see a list of "big guns".

Core technoogies

Technology Yandex internal Analogs
Version control system arc git (Open source)
svn (Open source)
perforce (Commercial)
Build tool ya make CMake (Open source)
Bazel (Open source)


Technology Yandex internal Analogs
Content-Based Image Retrieval Siberia

Natural language processing

Technology Yandex internal Analogs
Morphological analyzer MyStem MyStem (Free by Yandex)
Natasha (Open source)
Structured data extractor Tomita parser Tomita parser (Open source by Yandex)

Data bases and data processing

Technology Yandex internal Analogs
Map-reduce Real Time MapReduce
Hadoop (Open source)
Spark (Open source)
Map-reduce cascading Nile Airflow (Open source)
Querry language over map-reduce YQL Hive (Open source)
Column oriented database ClickHouse ClickHouse (Open source by Yandex)
Vertica (Commercial by Vertica)
Workflow manager Nirvana Airflow (Open source by Apache)
NiFi (Open source by Apache)
PLynx (Open source)
Message broker Logbroker Kafka (Open source)
Distributed key-value storage Elliptics Elliptics (Open source)
Redis (Open source)
Consul (KV part, open source by HashiCorp)
Multithreaded PostgreSQL connection pool Odyssey Odyssey (Open source by Yandex)
Distributed DataBase Yandex Database (YDB) Yandex Database (YDB) (Commercial by Yandex)


Technology Yandex internal Analogs
BEM BEM BEM (Open source)
Frontend testing frameworks Gemini
HTML Elements
Gemini (Open source by Yandex)
Hermione (Open source by Yandex)
Html Elements (Open source by Yandex)


Technology Yandex internal Analogs
Stress testing tool Yandex Tank Yandex Tank (Open source by Yandex)
JMeter (Open source by Apache)
Gatling (Open source)
Stress testing manager Lunapark
Testing report framework Allure Allure (Open source)
Java Matchers library Matchers Java Matchers Java (Open source by Yandex)
Hamcrest matchers (Open source by Hamcrest)
Test data generator ObjectBuilders ObjectBuilders (Open source by Yandex)
Microservice-oriented test framework TestSuite TestSuite (Open source by Yandex)


Technology Yandex internal Analogs
Service mesh AppHost Consul (Open source by HashiCorp)
Microservices firewall TVM Consul (Open source by HashiCorp)
Continuous Integration CI Jenkins (Open source)
TeamCity (Commercial by JetBrains)
Container virtualization Porto Porto (Open source by Yandex)
Docker (Open source)
Iaas/PaaS Cocaine
Cocaine (Open source by Yandex)
OpenShift (Open source by RedHat)
Yandex.Cloud (Commercial by Yandex)
AWS (Commercial by Amazon)
Azure (Commercial by Microsoft)
Nginx configuration tool Gixy Gixy (Open source by Yandex)
L7 load balancer Balancer (Archived) Envoy

Machine learning

Technology Yandex internal Analogs
Machine learning framework FML
Caliban (Open source by Google)
Simple tasks outsoursing Toloka Toloka (Commercial by Yandex)
Amazon Mechanical turk (Commercial by Amazon)
Gradient boosting library CatBoost CatBoost (Open source by Yandex)
XGBoost (Open source)
LightGBM (Open source by Microsoft)


Technology Yandex internal Analogs
Issue tracker Tracker Tracker (Commercial by Yandex)
Jira (Commercial by Atlassian)
Wiki engine Wiki Wiki (Commercial by Yandex)
Mediawiki (Open source)
Confluence (Commercial by Atlassian)


Feel free to add any technologies. If you add internal Yandex technology, you must provide link that prooves this technology is not under NDA. Usually this is link to official Yandex blog on habr.com, link to official Yandex technologies catalog or link to official Yandex GitHub repository.

Why HTML in .md?

Big markdown tables are messy. Big html tables are just a little less messy, so I choosed html.