
AngularJS thumbnail service to generate blob or base64 data as well as directive to display an image as thumbnail in canvas

MIT LicenseMIT

Angular Thumbnail

AngularJS thumbnail service to generate blob or base64 data as well as directive to display an image as thumbnail in canvas. Perfect for an Ionic app.



Possible Usage

  1. Generate thumbnail for pictures from gallery/camera to store locally or remotely in PhoneGap/cordova apps. You don't need a plugin for that.
  2. Display thumbnail for pictures from gallery/local db in a list in PhoneGap/cordova apps. Because CSS resizing on many pictures can be very consuming.
  3. Resizing before upload to a server.


  1. Generating thumbnails from large images in a desktop web application.
    • first of all, CSS resizing (setting width and height) should be sufficient as most of the desktop will have enough power to do it. But:
    • consider requesting for smaller images from the server.
    • if the images are external you should cache them in your own server and resize them there.


  1. Install through bower bower install angular-thumbnail or download the package manually.
  2. In your index.html, import:
    1. canvas-to-blob.min.js only if you need to generate blob data
    2. angular-thumbnail.min.js
  3. Add dependency to your module angular.module('', ['ui.thumbnail']);
  4. Enable CORS <access origin="*"/> in the config.xml



angular.module('', ['ui.thumbnail'])

.config(function(ThumbnailServiceProvider) {
  // otherwise both defaults to 100
  ThumbnailServiceProvider.defaults.width = 150;
  ThumbnailServiceProvider.defaults.height = 150;



Hmm.. it's clearer in the demo's source code.


A ThumbnailService dependency can be injected into a controller.

ThumbnailService.generate(src, opts)

  • Parameters:

    • src: either a url or base64 string
    • opts: an optional object of
      • width: number (defaults to 100)
      • height: number (defaults to 100)
      • returnType: 'blob' (defaults to 'base64')
      • type: 'image/jpeg' (defaults to 'image/png')
      • encoderOptions: A number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality if the requested type is 'image/jpeg' or 'image/webp'.
  • Returns: a promise that resolves with a base64 string or blob