A Quote Machine MERN web app bootstrapped with Create React App.
Visit at heroku
Project is created with :
- React
- Redux
- Node
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Sass
- Jest
- Enzyme
- Mocha
- Chai
- Sinon
- Start your day with inspiring quotes
- Copy Quote to clipboard with a click
- Tweet Quote with a click
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/1XWebbyX1/quote-machine-pwa
# Go into the repository
$ cd quote-machine-pwa
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm run dev
You will then be able to access it at localhost:3000
Note: If you're using Linux Bash for Windows, see this guide or use node
from the command prompt.
# In the root folder run
$ npm test
# Go into front-end repository
$ cd client
$ npm test
This Project was inspired by(not entirely based on) suggested user stories at freeCodeCamp.
- Implement PWA features
GitHub @1XWebbyX1