Course Plan

  1. Introduction Homework #1

    • Go modules
    • Compilation, formatting and linting
  2. Syntax

    • Basic types
    • Arrays, Slices, Strings
    • Structs, Interfaces
  3. Features and common mistakes Homework #2

    • Scope, Closures
    • Defers
    • Slices, Maps, Runes
  4. Best practices working with errors Homework #3

    • Errors
    • Panic, Defer, Recover
  5. Testing in Go

    • Testing apps in Go
    • Table testing
    • "testing" pkg and testify library
  6. Advanced testing in Go

    • Mocking, Faker
    • Mutation test
    • Golden files
  7. Interfaces internals Homework #4

    • Empty interface (interface{})
    • Type Cast
    • Switch with interfaces
  8. Goroutines and channels

    • Channel internals
    • Buffered ana unbuffered channels
    • Select operator, Timer
  9. Synchronization primitives in details Homework #5

    • Working with sync package: WaitGroup, Once, Mutex
    • Race detector
    • Atomics
  10. Additional synchronization primitives

    • Sync.Pool, read-write Mutex
    • Concurrent-safe maps
    • Memory model in GO
  11. Concurrency patterns Homework #6

    • Data synchronization patterns
    • Generators and pipeline
    • Working with multiple channels: or, fanin, fanout
  12. Go internals. Scheduler

    • Main schedule structures: P, M, G
    • Goroutine switching mechanism
    • Processing syscals and netcals
  13. Working with I/O Homework #7

    • Standard interfaces: Reader, Scanner, Writer, Closer
    • Working with data intensive apps
    • Regexp
  14. Go internals. Memory and Garbage collection

    • Memory model in Linux
    • Memory features of Go
    • Garbage collection
  15. Configuring and logging

    • Working with config files
    • Working with environment variables
    • Logging - log/slog
  16. CLI Homework #8

    • Working with flags: flags, pflag, cobra
    • Working with arguments: os.Args, os.Args[1:], os.Args[1]
    • Working with subcommands
  17. Reflection

    • Reflection internals
    • Working with reflect pkg: reflect.Type and reflect.Value
    • Working with unsafe pkg: unsafe.Pointer
  18. Code generation Homework #9

    • Working with go:generate
    • Useful libraries: impl, stringer, mockgen, easyjson
    • AST
  19. Generics

    • Generics in Go 2.0
    • Working with generics in Go 1.0: code generation, type casting, empty interface
  20. Profiling and debugging Homework #10

    • Profiling and Debugging Go apps
    • Commands go tool pprof & go tool trace
    • Flame graphs
  21. Contexts and low-level network protocols Homework #11)

    • Contexts package
    • TCP, UDP, HTTP
    • Net package: Dialer and Conn
  22. Working with SQL Homework #12

    • Executing SQL queries
    • Interfaces for working with SQL: sql.DB, sql.Tx, sql.Stmt
    • Sql injections
  23. Working with NoSQL

    • Working with MongoDB, Redis, Clickhouse
    • Lua scripting
    • Debugging NoSQL
  24. Working with HTTP

    • Creating HTTP server
    • Decorators and middlewares
    • Testing HTTP handlers
  25. Working with gRPC

    • Creating gRPC server
    • Protobuf
    • Describing API with Protobuf
  26. Working with gRPC part 2 Homework #13

    • Best practices
    • Interseptors, reliability (retries, timeouts, deadlines)
    • TLS with gRPC
  27. Monoliths and microservices

    • Monoliths and microservices comparison
    • 12 factor apps
    • Serverless architecture
  28. Caching

    • Cache miss, cache hits, warmup
    • LRU, LFU
    • Data eviction
  29. Working with message brokers Homework #14

    • Event-driven architecture
    • Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ
    • Best practices
  30. Working with Docker Homework #15

    • Docker components: engine, cli, registry
    • Building images and creating containers
    • Docker-compose
  31. Working with Kubernetes

    • Kubernetes components: master, node, pod, deployment
    • Kubectl
    • Manifests: replicaSets, deployments, services and ingress
  32. Helm Homework #16

    • Helm components: Tiller, Helm client
    • Helm charts
    • Helm repositories
  33. Monitoring

    • Types of monitoring
    • System metrics: LA, CPU, Memory, IO
    • Prometheus and Grafana
  34. Tracing

    • Types of tracing
    • Jaeger, Zipkin
    • OpenTracing
  35. System Design

    • Problem analysis
    • Typical mistakes
    • Best practices